Chapter No.51. Unexpected.

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Chapter No.51. Unexpected.

The next morning after we had determined that we were in a different timeline than the one we were born into and that going through a hyperspace node right after our mission launched put us into that different timeline that brought us together, we decided that it was time to go down to the surface and check it out. We decided to kill two birds with one stone and take in water, but there was a problem.

"We've detected boats on some of the great lakes, sir, especially Erie and Michigan," Janet said.

"We've also detected activity, albeit minimal, in some of the large cities like New York, Chicago and Detroit," Sharon said.

"Okay, we need to find a fresh lake that's not near any possible human habitation."

"How about Lake Superior, sir. There's landing spots near the south shore that are not inhabited."

"The weather is not too bad there, sir," Janet said. "It's just getting into the Fall in that location."

"Sounds good," I said. "We all go down. Bridget will go with me in the tank shuttle and the rest of you will go down with Kali in the other shuttle."

"Isn't that risky, sir?" Natale said. "What if both shuttles can't get back up to the ship?"

"That's where we have an ace up our sleeve. There's a spare shuttle that can be launched from the Engineering deck. COMA can fly it remotely down to our location."

We waited until the next morning for the location we intended to land in. Bridget and I found an open area on the beach of Lake Superior. We wasted no time in getting the intake hoses out and oriented to suck water from the lake.

Kali landed in a location that was away from us and nearer to a forest of trees. They walked over to where we were.

Kali had a laser rifle slung on her shoulder and all of the rest of us had laser pistols strapped to our equipment belts.

"This is nice," Natale said looking around and taking a long breath. "It's a bit chilly but refreshing."

"It's twelve degrees centigrade," Janet said. "That's a bit on the chilly side. We're used to a constant twenty-two degrees on the ship."

Bridget and I made sure that the water was being filtered correctly while Sharon took readings on the atmospheric gases and contaminants, Natale measured the radiation levels, Janet kept watch with Kali.

I didn't expect any interference way up here out of the hub bub, but that wasn't to be.

Two males in a rowboat approached and came ashore.

"What are you doing?" the older male with a beard asked. He looked to be in his late fifties and was dressed in old jeans, a dark jacket and boots. The younger cleanshaven male was dressed mostly in black.

"We're taking on water," I replied in a calm voice but with my hand on my laser pistol handle.

"Where are you from?" he asked.

I pointed up. "We're from space. We've been all over the place since we launched."

"You had better watch out. The enforcers patrol around here and they don't cotton to strangers."

"Where might they be located?" I asked.

"They have places all over," he replied.

"Do you have much in the way of trouble up here?"

"Not really. They just like to harass people."

"Hey!" Janet yelled. "There's a vehicle approaching!"

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