Chapter No.1 Awake

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Hyperspace Nocturne

A wild adventure into the future of space travel.

Ryan Taylor awakens from hibernation to a mystery that he, along with his crew, must solve in order to continue their mission. How they solve it and what they find is astounding. The story is told with Ryan's POV.

This story has a beginning similar to the one in Star Fields, but it does not involve androids, superpowers, or any extreme tech. It's just normal young people trying to survive a very difficult and dangerous situation using more conventional and believable tech.

All except for the Hyperspace concept. It's not my invention. It's something that came out of the 20's and 30's and has been used by the Sci-Fi masters as a fictional means of traveling many light years quickly.

This is essentially a story about the first terrifying attempts to colonize a habitable exo-planet and the consequences it had on Earth and the human population.

Inspired by amazing illustrated stories by @CynkNapp I've include my own crude drawings done in 3D using various iPad apps to illustrate some of the concepts of this story. These drawings took more time to create than the story itself. They're not perfect but hopefully they give the reader an idea of what it's like to be in space.

Story and illustrations Copyright © 2020 by John Shirey. All rights reserved.

Chapter No.1 Awake

My right eye popped open to abject darkness. I felt the moisture of a sponge-like object over my face, and I instinctively reached up to remove it, which allowed me to see a blurry polycarbonate window above my head.

 I felt the moisture of a sponge-like object over my face, and I instinctively reached up to remove it, which allowed me to see a blurry polycarbonate window above my head

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I realized that I had just awakened from hibernation, but I had no idea how long I had been in that state of suspended animation. I had to remove the IV's attached to my wrists and the breather mask over my mouth and nose. Next came all of the biometrics detectors stuck all over my body. The worst part of awakening was removing the urethra and rectal catheters, a painful task under any condition.

The cover of the hibernation pod swung open, signaling that I could climb out of it. I could breathe fresh air, but there was no guarantee that it had the correct gaseous composition. If it didn't, I wouldn't last very long.

My next problem was overcoming the result of being drugged into a state of low bodily activity and being literally paralyzed for an extended period. There was always the possibility of blood clotting or toxicity from this chemical abuse of my body.

 There was always the possibility of blood clotting or toxicity from this chemical abuse of my body

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