Wondering When I'm Coming Back

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y/n pov

"It's here!! Y/n!!" My mom exclaimed from down the hall, I can hear her running to my room. My room door slammed open, making me jump and spin around in my desk chair. "What's going on!??"

"Its here!" She repeated, throwing a fairly heavy envelope at me. I caught it, and glanced at the front where big U.A. letters were stamped onto.
"Oh!!" I smiled and ripped it open. A fairly sized disc plopped out, and I stared at it questioningly.


Suddenly a hologram of U.A.'s principal appeared before me. "Hello F/n L/N!"

Once I heard my score, it turns out I was accepted into the school. And not just the school, I was placed into the hero course of U.A!!! I squealed and hugged my mom, jumping up and down with her.

Oh man, I have to tell Inasa!

I pulled out my phone and immediately messaged my best friend.

Hey man! Guess who made it into U.A!!

No way! So proud of you! I got accepted too

WHAT!! No way, Are you in the hero course too??

Well, I could've been..

I furrowed my eyebrows at my screen in confusion. Could have been..?

What do you mean?

I've decided to got to Shiketsu High instead

wait, what..?

I'm sorry, Y/n.. I know we planned on going together, and I still love U.A!! But i've decided against it due to personal reasons. Please do not ask further

I frowned. It's rare to see Inasa so serious. Plus, He loves U.A!! He used to talk about it nonstop! I wonder what made him change his mind..? Well.. Since he asked, I won't push it.

Oh.. alright. I'm sad we won't be in the same school together. If you're having trouble and need to talk to someone, you can talk to me :)

I appreciate that, Y/n. But don't sulk about me, You get to learn at U.A!! Make your blood boil and give it your all, PLUS ULTRAAAAAAAA

Plus Ultra!!

I giggled at my phone and decided to give Izuku a call. I wonder if he made it too! I really hope so, just to rub it in Bakugou's face!! Well.. that's just me.

The phone rang for a bit, before a frantic 'hello' answered the phone. "Izuku! Hey, I was wondering if you're free today?"

"O-oh.. yeah! Sure, what's up?" I can hear him fumbling with something in the background, but chose to ignore it.

"Wanna meet up at (random old hangout place when you were kids)?"

"Oh wow.. I haven't been there in forever. Sure, I'll be there in 10 minutes" He pondered out loud, I can hear him yelp, and something crash, as if something falling to the ground.

"Izuku?? Are you okay??" I gasped, hearing him groan in pain, muttering small curse words under his breath.

"Oh, y-yeah. I dropped my weights, I was working out before you called" He laughed nervously, hiding his pain. "Oh my! Be careful Izuku~"

"A-A-Alright.. I'll see you i-in a bit! Bye!" He rushed before hanging up the phone. I looked at my phone screen in confusion, before hanging up as well.

I don't know what that was about, but I hope he's okay...


I sat patiently at our old hangout spot, and kicked up the dirt humming a small song. Old memories flooded my brain of all the fun times we had here. Hate to say it, but with 'Kacchan' as well. But that's when none of the neighborhood kids were around for him to show off to.

I sighed and leaned my head back to feel the sunsetting light warm my cheeks. "Y/n!!" I hear a distant voice call out, I open my eyes and see Izuku running towards me, his arm in a cast.

"Izuku! What happened to your arm??"

"Ah.. It's nothing to worry about.. I got hurt at the exam, and I thought I let it heal long enough to weight lift again, but It was still a bit sore" He stammered, embarrassed about the whole ordeal.

I smiled sympathetically, and motioned him to sit down next to me. "Well, did you get your letter?"

I could see him smile softly, as he sat next to me. The sun glistened in his hair, making his green highlights stand out more.

"Yeah, I've been accepted.. But just barely" He slumped, a bit sad but still grateful. I clapped excitedly, a smile creeping on my face.

"I passed too! I made it to the hero course"

His eyes widened as he picked his head up to look at me. "M-Me too! What class? I have 1-A"

"Me too!!! They said I would have been bumped down to 1-B if I hadn't scored the last few points" I laughed. I could feel my belly do flips. We are going to be in the same class! That's so exciting!

"Woaaahh" Izuku breathed out, almost relieved. "I'm sure Kacchan made it as well" He mumbled, more to himself, than to me.

My whole mood dropped, as my smile faded from my face. "Oh, that prick..." I rolled my eyes, and leaned my head against my arm that rested on my knees.

"What do you mean?"

"He's still the same as ever.. I think he's gotten worse actually" I replied, wondering if Izuku and Bakugou actually became friends. I know damn well he doesn't like me, considering what he told me at the train station a couple weeks ago.

Izuku sighed and shook his head. "He's a handful.. I can't help but admire him though.."

I snapped my head to Izuku, a shock look on my face. "Izuku.. please don't tell me-"

"Y/n, let's stop that conversation.. I don't want to get into a fight again like we did when we were younger.." He whispered, avoiding eye contact.

"But Izuku-"

"Please... Please" He whimpered, finally looking at me. His eyes glistened from tears that threaten to fall down his freckled face.


"Yeah.. okay. I'm sorry.." I whispered and patted his back gently, indicating to drop the subject.

"Thank you.."

My blood began to boil. And not the kind Inasa loves, of high spirited determination. I felt anger in my veins. Complete rage from the pit of my stomach.

A small electric current traveled through my finger, zapping Izuku on the back. He flinched and rubbed his back. "Ouch!"

"Oh! sorry.." I apologized, removing my hand away from him. Sorry Izuku.... I'm sorry.

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⏰ Last updated: May 31, 2022 ⏰

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