I Could Do About Anything

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y/n pov

"Ah! Ah, sorry!!" He squeaked, and tried to jump off the bed, but his frantic movements entangled his foot into the blanket, and he fell forward onto the ground. The blanket fell on top of him, covering his sweaty red face from embarrassment.

I scrambled up, fixing my skirt ignoring how embarrassing that must've been to see from his point of view, and crawled over to the nervously muttering boy. "Izuku! Is that really you!?" I beamed, removing the blanket from his face. He looked up at me with his signature awkward smile. "Heh... Hey Y/N"

"What are you doing here!!" I squealed and engulfed him in a hug. So closee! Midoriya mentally screamed to himself, and hesitantly hugged her back. "Well.. I uhm.. Actually-"

"Midoriya, what's that all this racket-" Inko scolded, walking into the room, seeing me on top of a red sweaty Izuku. "Auntie!!" I shouted and jumped up to my feet, giving her a big hug, almost knocking her over. "Did you shrink!?" I laughed, as I cowered over her a good 2 feet. She laughed and hugged me back.

"Oh my! Y/N, look at how you've grown!" She eyes me up and down, clapping her hands together with excitement. Izuku coughed to himself awkwardly, and got up, refixing the bed he accidentally ruined from the scare. "What are you guys doing here!" I asked again, glancing back and forward from Izuku and Auntie.

"I ran into your mother at the supermarket, and she invited us here for dinner!" Auntie Inko bowed, and gestured to Izuku. "We were so happy to hear that you have moved back closer to Musutafu!"

Izuku nodded, and bowed respectively. I sweat dropped at the sudden formalities from them both. "Oh! I'm glad you guys were able to make it" I giggled and Auntie Inko smiled that familiar smile I remembered when we were kids. "Were you upstairs this whole time?" Auntie Inko asked, and I felt my face heat up in embarrassment.

"O-Oh.. I just climbed in through the window.. Hehe.. I don't know why though" I mumbled awkwardly, avoiding eye contact. She furrowed her eyebrows in confusion, glancing at Izuku. He shrugged his shoulders in confusion as well, and she shook her head dismissively.

"Well, dinner is almost ready. Please wash up!" She excused herself and made her way down the hall, back into the kitchen.

"Izuku!" I squealed again, and hopped up and down in place with excitement. He scratched the back of his head nervously, and smiled back. "It's good to see you"

I stopped jumping and tilted my head. Why isn't he more excited? I haven't seen him in over 10 years! I felt my heart droop a little. Is he not happy to see me..?

My smile slowly drifted off my face, as I remembered the last memories I had with Izuku before moving. My goodbye to him was not that great.. Maybe he is upset with me.. I was so excited just seeing his face, I completely forgot everything in the past. Even the thoughts that flooded my mind earlier on the train left my head once my eyes had landed on Izuku.

I fiddled with my fingers, feeling completely rejected at the assumption that maybe Izuku isn't as glad to see me, like I am. "I guess we should go wash up.." I mumbled and walked out of my room into the restroom next door. I washed my hands and splashed cold water on my face, to cool down the mixed emotions I was having.

Sitting at the dinner table, I avoided eye contact with Izuku, and focused on my dinner plate, playing with the food absent-mindlessly. "Y/n, what's wrong? You've hardly eaten your food" Mom asks, everyone's eyes shifted to me. I slouched in my seat, their gazes making me uncomfortable.

"I'm not really hungry.. I don't feel so good" I dismissed sadly, and pushed my plate away. My mom was going to say something before I interrupted her. "May I be excused..?"

She nodded questioningly, watching me leave the table. As I walked down the hall back towards my room, I can hear her mumble apologies. I closed my room door and plopped on my bed, a depressed sigh leaving my mouth. Of course he isn't happy to see you..

I rolled my eyes as negative thoughts began to flood in my head. "Dumbass.." I mumbled to myself, and snuggled under the covers, wanting to erase myself from the world. I really wanted to talk with him... But i'm sure it will be a bother.

midoriya's pov

I pouted, watching Y/n leave the table. I really wanted to talk with her, I just didn't know how to! Every time I opened my mouth, my nerves would snap it shut. I wanted to talk about our quirks, her obsession with All Might, that limited edition poster specifically, and especially how much I missed her..

I looked down at my half eaten plate and sighed. My mom notices this and nudges y/n's mom. They've been best friends before me and y/n's birth, even with Auntie Mitsuki. "Hmm. Izuku, can you take this to Y/n for me please? It should prevent her from getting any more ill" Y/n's mom coughed awkwardly, and took out an aspirin and a cup of water, handing it to me.

"Hm? Oh, sure" I nodded quickly, and took the items from her, rushing to Y/n's room. I stood there for about a good 2 mins, trying to keep my heart from pounding and knocked.

The first knock had no answer, so I knocked again and slowly opened her door, peeking inside cautiously. I see her body figure underneath the piles of blankets. "Y/n..?" I called out, opening the door a bit wider. I saw her body flinch, as she moved a few layers of blankets, hesitantly peeking back at me.

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