If I Could Begin To Be

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11 years ago. Age 4

    "That's not funny, Kacchan" I pouted, holding Izuku up, patting his back as he coughed and wheezed, struggling to catch his breath. The kids laughed and gathered around us, pointing their fingers at Izuku saying mean things to each other about him. Kacchan rolled his eyes with a snicker.

    "If Dezuku can't hold his ground now, imagine how even more useless he'll be when we get our quirks!" Kacchan swung his right leg out to kick Izuku, but I swatted it away, knocking him off balance. He caught himself before he could fall.

    "I-It's okay, (childhood nickname). I'm fine" Izuku coughed and patted his shorts down, dust poofing off of them. I shook my head and helped him stand up. I just don't get why Izuku keeps wanting to play with him, does he not see how mean Kacchan can be for no reason?? And he is not even mean to me unless I confront him, it's just Izuku! My face heated up with anger. I shoved Izuku's bucket I was holding, into Izuku's chest and stomped towards Kacchan.

    "Stop being so mean, or I'll tell auntie!" I shouted, shoving my finger in his chest. I'm done with him being a big meanie to Izuku.

    Kacchan knocked me down like he had thrown Izuku earlier, laughing giddily. "That hag doesn't care! I don't know why you stick up for Dezuku anyway" I gasped breathing in a gulp of air, as the wind was knocked out of me.

    "Kacchan, stop!" Izuku cried, threw his bucket and ran to me, his turn to pat my back. Kacchan grabbed Izuku's bucket and turned to the kid's that were watching the whole scene. "Look, you can read the last part of Izuku's name as 'Deku'"

    "Wow, you can read that?" The kids awed, trying to read the letters on Izuku's bucket.

    "Well, Obviously! Deku. That must be what you call a helpless loser who's completely useless" He snickered, the kids laughing along with him. "Why are you being so mean, Kacchan" I whined, and rubbed my sore behind from the fall.

    "Katsuki, come home now!!" We heard aunties voice boom from the park. The kids ran away, knowing how strict Kacchans mom is when it comes to bullying. Kacchan rolled his eyes and threw Izuku's bucket at his head. Izuku yelped and fell forward, gripping his head in pain.

    "Here's your bucket, Deku~" He sneered, before running home. I saw the frown on Izuku's face, and teared up. Why does he keep insisting we play with Kacchan?? How do I stop Kacchan from being so mean to Izuku? What has he ever done to him?

    "...I think I'll go home, y/n" He sniffed, and picked up his bucket, running away from the park towards his house. I sniffed and rubbed my face angrily, forcing my tears to go away. Of course I'm mad at Kacchan, but why do I feel mad at Izuku too? Is it because he just doesn't seem to get it? I tell him over and over again, I even stuck up for him. But he always runs back to Kacchan.

    I stood up from the ground and grabbed my own play bucket, walking slowly to my home. "I don't know why he just doesn't get it.." I mumbled sadly to myself. I'm getting tired of being thrown around, trying to keep Izuku from being bullied. He's the nicest person I've ever met! So why does he keep hurting himself.

    A few minutes of back and forth arguing to myself in my head, I felt myself get more and more upset with Izuku. "That's it! I quit, trying to help him. If he doesn't get it, he can go and get hurt all he wants!" I shouted to myself angrily, promising to myself I will not help him anymore!

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