"The Magician's Tricks"

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You look around the forest and then looked back at the map that you held on your two hands.

"Gee, [Horse's Name], it appears that we are lost. We've been travelling around in circles and it's almost nighttime." You pouted, brushing your right hand against the head of your horse.

"We should set up camp here. It's hard to travel when it's dark. Hopefully, there won't be wolves or bears around." You said, proceeding to talk with your horse who only huffed out in response.

You're a magician that travels far and wide to entertain people. You didn't ask for a large amount of money yet you just wanted to do what you were passionate about. People had thought you were some kind of witch and wanted to burn you alive, this forced you to reveal the secrets of your tricks. Some villages that you come across didn't quite mind since they see that you are not a threat but an entertainer.

You set up your tent before it went fully dark. You gather some sticks and light up a campfire. You started to regret your decision on declining the king's offer. You had put up a show for the kingdom and the king had loved your show and when he heard you were going to travel somewhere far, he offered to give you a carriage ride over to the nearest village, knowing the dangers of traveling alone in the Forests of Behemoth. Yet you politely declined, stating that you could go through the forests just fine.

And here you are, lost.

You were determined to get out of the large forestry. You look at the map again, flipping it in different directions to see if you were somehow holding it wrong. You see that somewhere in the Forests of Behemoth, there's a village that seemed to be effortlessly scribbled out. You weren't sure where you are but you just hoped you'll find your way to the village to ask for directions.

You got up from your spot and walk over to your horse who was carrying most of your things with their horse saddle bags. You open up one of the bags that had some ingredients inside. You grab a carrot from the bag and feed your horse. You grab some ingredients for a mushroom stew, a pot to cook it in, and a wooden spoon.

After getting the things you need, you walk over to the campfire and start making the stew. While the stew heats up, you grab a book from your leather satchel. You flip through the pages and find the particular page about the Forests of Behemoth. As you can see, the forests have gigantic trees. A lot of entities linger around the dark, they're either hostile, peaceful, or just neutral. You have heard about how people were lost in the forest for years and how it represented a gigantic maze. People didn't dare to cut any of the trees or even damage them as people rumored that if you were to cut a tree, you'll never find the way out of the forest.

You let out a small hum, understanding why the forest had a bad reputation. You could've gone around it but you decided it was best to go through it.

After eating some warm stew, you decided to retreat to your tent to get some rest and hopefully you can get out of the forest before the afternoon strikes.

• •

You wake up in your tent, in your sleeping bag. You sit up and stretch. You get out of your tent and just take in the the natural scent of nature. As you got out, you noticed that [Horse's Name] was gone. Your eyes widen and it felt like the rest of your body had woken up.

"[Horse's Name]!" You called out in hopes that they may respond and just wandered off nearby. Yet as you called and called, there was no response. You tried whistling for them to come but still no responses.

[Horse's Name] is loyal to you and you just knew they wouldn't just wander off like that. You look around if they left any breadcrumbs or just any tracks in particular.

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