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You were... What were you? Where are you? What were you doing here?

You froze in fear as you hear a voice narrating every movement. There it is again, they're narrating it. Your breathing becomes heavy as everything was on pause, everything looked like it was all rotting away with dread.

You blink. You didn't move as the voice proceeded to narrate. Everything was peeling away slowly and it looked like the false mask were melting away.

"Stop. Go back to sleep." It repeated in your head.

"Wake up." Faint voices repeated. They were familiar yet you couldn't point it who they were.

"Go back to sleep, [Name]." The narrating voice had spoke out.

"Go back to bed where it's nice and comfy, where you are safe."

"Was it really safe?" You asked yourself.

"Oh yes, it truly is safe, [Name].", the narrating voice had responded as thoughts spiral around your head, only creating confusion.

Go back to bed and rest, [Name].

Why worry when you have us?

We don't want you to wake up in such a disappointing reality, now do we?

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