"To Take Back What Was Ours"

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"This might be one of the most impossible last command that I'm going to give you."

You were one of strongest people in current human history. You were courageous, determined, and strong. People adored you, praised you, and hoped to grow stronger like you.

You had created many major sacrifices that would mostly lead many cadets to their deaths and it has gotten you so far. You were one of the few people who had survived many failed infiltrations. You didn't expect to get so far yet you continued to fight even how much you've gone through.

You were a teen when the invasion started. Aliens from a different part of the universe started taking over the Earth, destroying any type of life forms they could spot. Luckily, you had been evacuated to some underground city along with your friend, [Friend's name].

You and [Friend's name] decided to join the war to take back the world that many had lost. It was rough but you and [Friend's name] had managed through it. You two would always hope that the infiltration plan would be successful but everytime you two had hoped, it'd fail and everyone would retreat.

You hated the aliens and their giant mothership. They had taken many lives and you wanted to avenge those who have fought.

It's been 4 years since [Friend's name] had died from a giant blast to the chest. You started to change. You became a much more cold and distant cadet. When you continued to fight, you felt like you weren't doing any of this for anyone but yourself. It wasn't the same anymore yet you've fought strongly.

You were promoted to become one of the squad leaders and you weren't quite satisfied with that. You wanted to have the title of Commander but you never got that title just because you'd have to be someone who had worked next to the President.

It didn't make any sense to you but as they claimed, "Those people have better leadership skills than you."

The more this ignorance continues, the more people died. Many commanders had died also, they couldn't even last a month.

People weren't fighting for humanity, they were fighting because they wanted to be seen as a hero. They wanted to be seen as heroes but in your view, you see them as cowards, always retreating and depending on others.

"[Name]... [Name]?" A voice called out for you.

You were staring down at the table for who knows how long. You looked at who had called out for you only to be met with one of the cadets, Rae.

"What?" You scoffed.

"Well... Uhm, aren't you ready to meet our new Commander? Well, since our last Commander, y'know.... Died." Rae responded, the last word was mumbled.

Rae was one of the strongest cadets yet not strong enough to reach your rank. Her jet black hair is tied up into a ponytail, she has a pair of dark hazel monolid eyes, and a nice honey skin tone. She always had her friend, Reed by her side. His sparkling amber short layered hair is combed neatly, he has a pair of marble gray almond eyes, and a rose beige skin tone. The three of you were currently in the mess hall.

"Well, yes. I'm always prepared to see another Commander suffer and not even last 2 weeks being alive." You responded, rolling your eyes in the process.

"Jeez, that was a bit dark. I'm sure our new Commander would be much more stronger and have great leadership skills." Rae cheered while Reed just furrowed his eyebrows.

You, Rae, and Reed were a bit close. They were basically your assistants following you around. Reed lost his hearing while Rae was one of the loudest. Reed can read lips while Rae can balance a pistol with her nose.

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