Part 86

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The second recording was in the indoor water park in city f. In this issue, Jiang Mochen still chose Sun Xun's team, and Yan Qingchi also chose Sun Xun's team. Chen Xuanlang watched the three of them stop there, then turned to ask the director, "Is it time for me to quit now?" The

director smiled. Yes, "Xuanlang, you have to have a challenge spirit."

Chen Xuanlang felt that he had no challenge spirit at all. He only wanted to withdraw from this lineup, leaving the stage for Sun Xun and his team to display. However, whether he is willing to face the difficulties or not, as the captain, he still needs to cheer up his players.

"Come on! We can!"

Team member: ...No, we can't.

Everyone changed their swimsuits, and after the staff gave an order, they entered the water collectively and started the warm-up game before grabbing the wooden sign-water volleyball.

The rules of water volleyball are very simple. The red and blue teams stand on the left and right sides of the net. Players hit the ball at high altitude with their hands. The ball falls into the water in the area of ​​the team first. Three wins.

Jiang Mochen, as the best water player among all the players, made outstanding contributions to his team in this link and successfully helped his team win.

After the end of the water volleyball project, everyone entered the stage of grabbing wooden plaques. Because of the limitation of the venue, there are not many places to hide this time, but also because of the special nature of the water park, it adds some unexpected interest to the wooden sign grabbing.

For example, Ding Zinan finally caught up with Yang Xiaoxiao, and Yang Xiaoxiao slid down the slide. He thought he had escaped and waved goodbye to Ding Zinan, but in the next second Ding Zinan also slipped down and was sliding on the slide. At the bottom, she fell into the water with Yang Xiaoxiao, and immediately grabbed her wooden sign when she was confused.

Jiang Mochen gave full play to his advantage as a one-stop-train on the water. He chased people very fast. He and Yan Qingchi were responsible for chasing people and the other for delisting. They cooperated with each other and quickly killed many members of Chen Xuanlang's team. .

Chen Xuanlang looked at Zhao Qiang who was still struggling in his team, and thought about the situation he was pushing hard. I had guessed it would be like this a long time ago. However, in order to implement the spirit of sports, he still has to do nothing. The dying struggle.

The final victory undoubtedly belonged to Sun Xun's red team, and the mvp was also won by Yan Qingchi again. Although Yan Qingchi felt that he was only responsible for collecting heads and gaining experience points, it was Jiang Mochen who really played the role. However, the program group still awarded him the mvp.

The program group knew that the netizens were very interested in Yan Qingchi's handsome skills, but were very interested in the contrast of the partial pitch, so they made some tricks to make him still sing the prize after the draw.

Yan Qingchi has experienced a solo singing and a chorus of "a family of three" and is already a "singer" about to mature. This time, it was probably to improve his growth trajectory. The requirement for the award is that he must choose a guest on the spot to sing a duo of love songs.

He looked at what was written on the note: Choose a partner and sing "You Are Written in My Song" with you. Yan Qingchi looked dumbfounded, "I haven't heard this song before, I won't."

"It doesn't matter, you just need to sing the chorus. We have prepared lyrics and music for you. You have half an hour to study. The learning part will not be broadcast." The staff member said.

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