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You know, in Tokyo Ghoul, aside from also trying to kill normal Ghouls who only ate meat from places that make food from people who already left on their own terms, humans are far worse than the ghouls, hypocrites.

Humans not only hunt and kill animals for food:
We also wear them as jewelry and clothes.
We crowed them all together in pens.
We cage them just to look at them and take pictures.
We abuse a lot of them.
We turn them into pets we put in tutu's and top-hats (okay, it's cute, though.)
Even if some ghouls hunted innocent humans down to eat, maybe a few torturing humans, that's still barely needle pokes compared to how we humans treat animals.

Especially in Japan, they eat live animals and chop them up alive.

Sure, a lot of ghouls hunted innocent people, people with families, people with friends. But there could've been a better solution:
Make places specifically for ghouls to eat, and feed them bad people, or, as Anteku (did I spell that right?) feed them the bodies of those who took their lives, if their families don't wish or care to bury them.
It decreases the ever growing human population, gets rid of the bad people of the world, the normal families and children ghouls could live peacefully like they've wanted.

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