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Callie's Pov

I like hunger games.

My name is Calliope but because I absolutely abhor that name,Callie it is. Except from my Girlfriend, she calls me by my real name cuz she finds it alluring, which is repelling by the way. kidding, I'm completely fine with it since I'm utilized to it. 

My life is peacefully monotonous so i can't say much. And this shit tells how i met her.

Two boys came towards me as i chew lollipop. "Wanna play a game?" The boy with a bunch of tattoos in his arm queried. He's charming, but can smell the danger in his presence. Which is totally cool. He's stylish too, what why did i say that.

"What game?" I furrowed.

"Agree with me first" He smiled sweetly.

"Well first i don't do drugs, im clean and how can you guys not abominate the idea of drugs?" i shrugged and walked away placing both of my hands in my pockets. Some of the times, strolling out is the leading thing. Nah To be honest, I just really don't have the time and energy to have inept dialogs with some complete strangers.

"If you win this game you might become a billionaire or thrillionaire " He screams, getting my attention. I return my gaze at them. They began walking towards me, he offered me a bubblegum after taking the lollipop forcibly in my mouth. Without hesitation i chew it. What could possibly go wrong.

"Say yes Belle and we'll show you the witchcraft" He wiggled his fingers, which is pathetic and cringe. The other guy is just standing beside him awkwardly, is he disabled?

"I have a name Shrek and What's the cost? Am i going to be a striper? No way for a bunch of jerkass, but for a bunch of women? Please count me in" I grin but they just started to walk nonchalant, ignoring my questions. Ofcourse my feet decided to follow them "You should ask my name first right?" how nefarious.

"We are not interested. Maybe after you agree to our offer." Have mood swings huh? First he's nice and now he's rude.

"Im kinda bored and my life is like a cactus so okay im in" i mean i won't die for a stupid game right? I stopped causing them to stop too. I don't know why my feet ceased. Maybe because of confusion and hesitation.

"Come on Belle it's not drugs" I capitulated because of my curiosity. Again, what could possibly go wrong.

We stoped in an open restaurant. Loving the way the plants invaded the restaurant. They put their hoodies on as we entered, don't tell me they're going to rob? Doing Massacre? Im not even in the mood.

"Are we going to rob meals?"

"You think we're that cheap?" Oh okay
Whatever , well yes because you kinda look like a drug dealer who looses their shit. And a person who just got out of a psych ward.

They ordered some food for us and we eat in silence. I enjoyed the tranquility of mother's nature. The one is with his Phone and the other one is looking at his Notebook.

"Here's the deal Belle" He puts down his Notebook.

"Why do you keep calling me Belle?"

"You have the same features. Both beautiful, her name suits you. And since i don't know your name" Why don't you just ask my name then? Anyway I'm just going to mirror them. The blonde boy puts his phone down and focuses at me, He smirks, is this man born to annoy me? He put his hands on the back of his neck.

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