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Astrid's pov

Shawn didn't return, so does Liz making me feel dreadfully queasy. Why did they took 2 person last night? Maybe the other one is not dead, but why?

If so, i need to find it. Posthaste.

Ezra adviced us not to show how daunt we are because the killer might sense us frail and we're the new target.

"Zya Prince and Ezra Stanford" Ezra and i look at each other instantly, we both frown. You mean im not going to babysit three kids with Ezra?

Well the only person i can stand with is Ezra.

And who's the last person left for me?

Anyway, Sue, Tara and Alex got to work together because we are 17, its odd.

I wonder who's my partner is, Looking at Allison, she have Travis. Ugh and Martian also have one.

"Madame Clara said she paired up all the people who she thinks have chemistry. I wonder why she didn't pair us up." Ezekiel bantered, I ignored him.

"Astrid and Callie Steinfeld" My soul almost went up to heaven, my heart began beating rapidly. I don't know, she have this kind of effect on me.

Why did the bitch paired us up? Why on earth?

Out of all of the people.

I search the idiot around the hall by my eyes as my heart beat slowed down, she's not here. Where is she?

"You may go now, the kids are in the Carelian Gate" Men in Black announced, I walked perplexedly towards the Gate she's saying.

"Hey, I could be your partner, and Callie will be partnered to Khloe" i look at the vexatious man named Ezekiel. I rolled my eyes and began walking briskly.

I want to play the game legitimately fair.

Or you just really want to be partnered to Calliope.

okay some, just some part of me wants to be partnered to Calliope. Fortunately, a cart took us in. Its colossal, can carry 30people. The 45 minutes walk became 7minutes ride.

Once we get to the Carelian Gate, I began searching the kids that are assigned to us.

In some weird science theories, my heart beats faster when my eyes land on her again, seeing her with perplexed in her face, yup thats what you get not attending the hall.

Did i mention that we kept arguing about gibberish things? When i win she laugh when she lose i laugh. Well i never lose.

"So im pretty huh?" She teased.

"Drop it" i began picking some grass.

"So its true?" She mischievously smirked at me, her infamous way of smiling. Making my heart sink as deep as the pacific ocean. This feelings are making me a cheesy boy lover.

Don't get me wrong, I'am not inlove with her or something. I just find her attractive. Just a tiny crush on her. And it's complicated.

"Are you two a Couple?" Meredith asked, we both looked at her.

"Yuck" i said , she said "If she's willing"

"You two would make such a sweet Couple" George said as he chew his Bubblegum. Yea he's not cute anymore after he just betrayed me.

The four of us, sat in the ground, while The idiot stand like she's some scarecrow. It kinda fits her.

"How young are you guys?"she asked, look at the idiot putting her hands on her waist.

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