~Mall Part 2~

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Foxy POV (normal names cuz yes)

We were walking around the mall getting stuff and looking at stuff.
"So... What ye get Mangle?"

(Also too lazy to make Mangle's voice glitch out)
"Ok fine don't tell me"
"Why ye like this?"
"Because it's who I am Foxy! And I know you love me brother!"
"Well... Aye don't know about that"
"Hey!!" I laughed a bit. Mangle was just glaring at me while I was laughing.
"Aye lying aye lying"
"Better be"

Freddy POV




"Imma just... Go now..." Goldie walked away as I was burning the cards and Chica was freaking out.

Foxy POV

"... Aye wanna get cap'n something"
"What does he like?"
"Besides you"
"... Aye know he likes singing... But he doesn't sing in front of me... He said he's shy too"
"Well... I heard his microphone is broken... You can get him a new one"
"Aye! It can be his Christmas gift!"
"There you go!" Now... Where do they sells microphones??
"Where do they sell them?"
"... Follow me" Mangle started to walk so I followed her. We walked for a bit then Mangle stopped in front of a store. "Let's go in Foxy" I nod and we walked inside the store.

"Hello and welcome to *insert name* my name is y/n"
"Is there anything I can help you with today?"

"Yes! This fox is looking for a microphone for someone special to him" I blushed.

"I can show you them were they are" y/n started to walk so we followed them. They lead us to a small wall with microphone. "Just pick one out and I'll come over to unlock it for you 2"
"Alrighy!" Y/n walked away so Mangle and I looked at the microphone.

"Which one to get cap'n?... Mmm"
"He's gay right?"
"There is a rainbow one"
"Wait... Um y/n?"

Y/n walked over.
"Um... Is there a way to get a custom microphone?..."
"Yes there is but it will cost you more and you're gonna have to come back to the store to pick it up"

"Oh!... Ok... Well a-I was thinking if I can have one with the gay flag and pansexual flag... Kinda mix together?"
"Like a whirlpool?"

"Yes we can do that! It will be around 100-200 dollars and it should be ready in about a week or so... If you leave your number here I'll call you when it's ready to be picked up"
"Ok!" Y/n gave me a paper and a clipboard so I wrote down my name and number. I looked up when I was down to see Y/n waiting something down... Maybe the order?

"So... You can pay when you come to pick it up ok?"
"And you guys have a nice day"
"You too!" Mangle and I said back as we walked out of the store.



End of chapter

Welcome to the story UwU
If you guys want me to do more "Y/n" parts tell me
Also y/n stands for your name if you didn't know

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