~Birthday 2/2~

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Foxy POV

I saw that the lights when out with that I heard the kids scream. But they are all ok... Me being a fox I can see the the dark.

"It's ok kids let's just get you all into the cove" with that I grad all the kids and put them in the cove. Now I just have to stay here to make sure they don't get hurt. Cap'n and Goldie can also see in the dark just not as good as me. They should be fine. Then again... This lady wanted the party and night time so there is no sunlight to help us out.

Freddy POV

"Bonnie and Chica stay here in the main stage Imma go turn the lights back on. And the kids are safe with Foxy" I started to walk away.

"I knew I should have had a flash light" Chica mumbled.

I made my way to the break room to see Goldie there we a flash light.

"What happen?" I walked over to Goldie.

"Don't know... I think someone force all the lights off... I already called the police it's just that... They completely broke it... The only thing that is working are just the cameras because they have a generator"

"And I'm so glad that they have one... We can look through the camera when the police get here... Let's just go with the other before anything happens" Goldie nods and we walk back to the stage.

Goldie gave Bonnie and Chica a flash light and we were able to bring all the adults together.

"What about our kids?" I heard a lady say.

"Don't worry ma'am they kids are with Foxy he knows what to do when this stuff happens" all we can do it try to keep everyone together and wait for the cops to show up. "How long did they say Goldie?"

"They said around 5 minutes... Maybe even less" ok then "you all stay here I'll go check up on the cove"

"Let me come with you!"

"Sorry ma'am I can't do that we don't know if anyone is in here... But don't worry Foxy and I will protect the kids" I'll do anything to keep Foxy safe...
I got a flashlight from Goldie and made my way to the cove... I can hear something going on with some kids also crying out Foxy's name... Did something happen to Foxy?! I for over there to see Foxy protecting the kids along with someone wearing a bunny mask in front of him.

"You're not touching any of these kids!" I can see Foxy's right eye was bleeding.

I got over there and was able to disarm this person.


"Keep the kids safe Foxy" I looked down at the person. Just who do they think they are? I try to take their mask off but they kicked at me... It wasn't too strong but just able for them to move away. Then another person showed up with the same mask.
One of them had to taken out the lights... And why go after kids in the first place? I heard the sirens and before I can even try to catch these 2 they ran off. Well fuck... Good thing we have the cameras.

Foxy POV

The only think I got from those people is... Their scent nothing more... Maybe that can help us.
It's getting blurry... I can hear my name being called but... That's about it. I looked over at the kids. But hey! I did a good job all the kids are safe and no one is hurt... Well besides me. Maybe even Freddy will be happen!
My tail wags a bit then I saw some cops run into the area with Bonnie, Chica, Goldie, and the kids' parents behind them. I saw the kids run to their parents...

And that's all I can remember because

I blacked out


End of chapter

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