Chapter 1

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a/n: Hi guys!! You DONT have to read this little side note but it's the first chapter!! I'm so excited and sorry if it isn't the best, it's my first story. :)) ok you can read now.

It's almost senior year which means it's our last year of high school. I don't know whether to feel relieved or sad. Peter and I are still together and hopefully will stay like that in college as well. I don't know what my life would've been like if I hadn't jumped him in the hallway or if Kitty hadn't sent those letters. Would we even be together? Probably not. How else would he know innocent little Lara Jean liked the hottest, most popular guy in school. All this the thoughts of Peter are making me miss him and i can't see him for a few days because he's out with his lacrosse team on a trip to celebrate the year almost starting which means it's their last year together as a team since everyone's going off to college next year. Maybe I should call him- and as if on cue I hear my phone start to ring and it's Peter.
"Hey Covey" Peter says first.
"Hi!! How's the trip with your boys going?"
Peter lets out a chuckle at the way I say boys. "It's fun. But not as fun without you."
"Not true. Besides it would be awkward if I came with you." I say because before he left he asked if i wanted to go with him.
"What do you mean? The guys love having you around."
"They only like me for my famous cookies!" I say laughing as I roll my eyes even though he can't see me.
"Well you can't blame them. Everything you make always tastes sooo good. Speaking of your baking, when I come back can you make your chocolate chip cookies? Please?" Peter eats so much, yet he still manages to stay in shape. After being together for almost two years I still don't know his secret.
"Only because you asked so politely."
"And that's just one of the reasons why I love you, Covey." Even though I can't see him, I can hear his smile through his voice.
"I love you too, Peter."
"Okay well the team is about to go out for dinner so i'll call you tonight?
"Yes please. Love you."
"Love you too, Covey."
After we hang up I think to myself, what did I ever do to deserve a boyfriend like Peter? Even though we've been dating for a while now, I still get butterflies when I remember Peter is my boyfriend or when he calls me his girlfriend to others.  

a/n: Sorry that this chapter was so short!! I would love if you guys gave me some ideas to add to this story. Btw i will try to post new chapters often but I do still have to go to school and do homework but i'll try to make a chapter at least once a week!

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