Chapter 11

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I'm waiting for Peter while getting ready for school and i still don't know how to tell him about Kenny. I don't think Kenny moved in yet but I feel like Peter should know before he does so it's not some complete surprise that a boy i wrote a love letter to lives across the street. Peter trusts me though. Just like I trust him. But he can't very jealous sometimes...but he knows that I love him and him only and I would never leave him for someone else. Mainly Kenny.
I mean, yeah sure he seemed really cool and brave and heroic. But only to middle school Lara Jean. I'm a senior now and my love for Peter will never change.
I hear Peter pull in so I get my stuff and rush out the door. Kitty started getting rides with Aiden now.
"Hey Covey. Wheres Kitty?" Peter says as he kisses my cheek.
"Oh she's going to start going to school with that Aiden boy she likes."
"Oh. Do you..uh trust this Aiden guy? Is he right for her? I personally think she's too young to even be thinking about boys. Dont ya think? You know what. Tell Kitty when she gets home to stop going with Raiden-"
"Aiden." i correct him.
"Same thing." he continues. "Tell get to stop going with him because it's not a big thing for me to pick her up too. I don't trust this kid he's not right for Kitty. I mean i haven't seen him but no. Just no."
"Peter, why are you so worried about Kitty? If anything I should be worried about her. I mean she is my actual sister. And they're only in middle school let them have fun."
"No. They can't have fun! They're 7th graders!"
"Not that type of fun Peter. Stop overthinking it." it's cute that peter cares so much about her but he gets very overprotective.

We walk into school and I see the last face I wanted to see here....

Oh god. What if he comes up to us? What would I tell Peter? The truth obviously. No i can't. Why can't i? Ughhhh.

"Come on Peter we're gonna be late for class let's quickly go to our lockers." I say trying to avoid seeing Kenny.
"Covey we just got here. Homeroom doesn't start for another 15 minutes."
"Oh it doesn't? Well then we should go walk around outside for fresh air. Come on." I say quickly. I'm about to turn the corner to get away from Kenny when Peter stops me.
"Lara Jean. Are you okay? Why do you seem so stressed and nervous?" Peter asks with his hands on my shoulders.
"Peter nothing happened I just need some fresh air. Come on-"
And here comes Kenny.. "Lara Jean hey! I didn't think I'd see you today. You didn't seem very friendly the other night. What happened?" And that's when I knew I was screwed. Why did Kenny have to say it like that?
"Covey...who's this? And what does he mean 'the other night'?" oh god.
"Lara Jean didn't tell you about me? Wow I really we were getting along LJ and you don't even bother to introduce me to your friend? Well if you didn't know Lara Jean sent me-" I cut Kenny off.
"I sent you here to meet Peter..."
I didn't know what to do. Peter's gonna think i'm with Kenny or something. I knew I should've told him about Kenny. Keeping it from Peter just makes it worse.
"Well are you gonna say anything?" Kenny says with a big annoying smile.
"Right um...Peter this is-" I get cut off by Gen.
"Kenny!" She kisses him on the cheek. "Hey LJ! I see you've noticed that Kenny's finally transferred! Oh. And you've met Peter."
"Yeah, uh we were actually on our way to the bleachers for a quick walk but talk later" Peter says and goes down the hall.
We're silent the entire way.
"Who was that guy?" Peter asks.
"Peter before you get mad I am so sorry I didn't tell you sooner." Great. I made it sound like I'm cheating on him.
"Why would I be mad?"
"Look um. His name is Kenneth but everyone basically calls him kenny and Kenny is one of the guys I wrote the love letters to. He's the boy I met at church camp and I recently found out that he's dating Gen and that he moved into Trinas old house and that he's been sending these weird signals that he likes me or something but I highly doubt it because he's with Gen and we haven't even seen each other in years and it's getting awkward and Im so sorry I didn't tell you and I know it really isn't anything but I made it seem like it was needed to be hidden by not telling you I just didn't exactly know how to bring it up and-" I rambled for a long time but luckily Peter cuts me off so I can take a breath.
"Whoa whoa whoa. Let me get this straight. This kenny guy went to camp with you and you wrote him one of the love letters." i nod. "and then you find out he's gens boyfriend and lives across the street from you and might have interest in you but you didn't tell me?" Peter says and when it comes out of his mouth it sounds even more terrible.
I can only nod.
"How long have you known that he was in town?"
"A couple of weeks..." I reply.
"Lara Jean why wouldn't you tell me this stuff? No secrets remember? Fight club? I thought I wasn't only your boyfriend but your best friend too. I want you to tell me all this stuff no matter how big or small it is. I don't get why you couldn't have just told me about his dumb Kenny guy and how he might be flirting with you even though he has a girlfriend and worse part is, he lives across the street!" Peter says. I can tell he's a bit angry.
"Peter believe me there's nothing going on between me and Kenny."
"Then why wouldn't you tell me? You're making this small thing appear as some major problem. I-I don't Covey. I trust that you won't leave me for him but I want to trust that he won't leave Gen for you. If what you're telling me is true and the way he was speaking to you at the hall with his 'introduce me to your friend' like it wasn't obvious already that we were together."
"I am so sorry and you have every right to be mad. I should've told you and I'm so stupid for keeping it from you."
"You're not stupid.." peter replies. "Just promise me no more secrets..okay?"
"I promise."

Peter didn't say much the rest of the day. We still walked to our classes together but whenever Peter sees Kenny, Peter holds onto me tighter like he's gonna take me away or like I'm gonna run away or something. I can tell Peter's a bit bothered with Kenny here but hopefully we can just ignore him because i want senior year to be perfect and I can't let anyone ruin it. Kenny's in our English class and he'll give little smirks towards me even though I always sit next to Peter so Peter sees all the smiles Kenny is giving me and he'll put his arm around me showing that I'm his.

Peter had lacrosse practice after school today so I went to get my stuff and I said I'd meet him outside. When I went to my locker I saw Kenny near it. What does he want now.
I ignore him and quickly get my stuff.
"Hey wait LJ. I just wanna talk."
"Look Kenneth. I need to go so bye."
"It'll be quick I promise." he gives that disgusting smirk of his. "I was just wondering if that letter you sent me was true."
"I obviously wrote that a long time ago and those feelings aren't there anymore I can guarantee that."
"Well I can guarantee that I can change those feelings around. You'll see. Overtime you'll want me."
"Kenneth you have a girlfriend. And she's my friend and I have a boyfriend. So no. Now if you'll excuse me I'm gonna go."
"Ooo feisty. I like it." He winks and I quickly get out of there.
When did kenny become such a dick?

I quickly go to the bleachers and watch Peter. Even though I don't understand lacrosse whatsoever, I love watching Peter play. It's so entertaining to watch him run around throwing a ball with a stick and passing it. I don't know it's weird but he's so hot when he's playing.
I see a group of girls that watch them too. One of the girls walks up to me.
"Hi! You must be Lara Jean! Peter's girlfriend right?"
"Yeah that's me!"
"Great! Well we're the girlfriends of the lacrosse boys we watch the practices too you should come sit with us!"
I never knew there was a friend group of lacrosse girlfriends.
I have nothing to do so I saw yes.
"Perfect come! I'm Kaitlyn! This is Gina, Ella, Sonia, Leah, Francesca, and Olivia!" Kaitlyn points to each girl and they all say hi in unison.
"Hi I'm Lara Jean!" I introduce myself.
"Oh believe me, we know." Sonia says
"Huh?" I'm confused.
"Well first off you and Peter are like absolute couple goals! Second, we were all there when the hot tub video was leaked..." Olivia said.
"Oh right. Well I hope you don't get to know me as hot tub girl. Just pretend that never happened." I laugh and they laugh with me.
We talk for the rest of the practice and when the boys are done we go meet them.
"New friends Covey?" Peter asks.
"Yeah I guess. Did you know there's a lacrosse boys' girlfriends group?" i ask.
"Yeah why?"
"And you never told me?!" i pretend to act hurt
"Well I didn't know if you wanted to be a part of them and be known as a 'lacrosse girlfriend'." Peter says
"You're not wrong but they're actually really nice." I say as we walk back to his car.
"Thats good."

We drive home and as I leave the car I see Kenny outside his house playing football with a little kid. Shit. Dang it U never swear. I run back to Peter's car and go inside.
"Uh did you forget something or?" Peter asks
"No it's just that Kenny's outside."
"Lara Jean you can't be like this. Show that he doesn't affect you."
"I know. It's just that he gets rlly annoying."
"Okay look Ill walk you to your door okay?" Peter asks and I agree.
Kenny's just watching us walk to the entrance and I feel like he's about to say something but some guy yells out the door that dinners ready.
"Thank you Peter. for everything. I really mean it. Thanks for understanding my point of view." I saw and I really do mean it.
"It's nothing Covey. Just know that I love you okay? And no one can break that love."
He hugs me tightly into his chest and I immediately relax. Being in his arms is the best thing ever. I wish I could stay like this forever.
"Go inside Covey. I have to take a shower and you're probably hungry." He says but I'm still hugging him tightly.
"No. I don't want to move from this position. Like ever."
"I'll see you tomorrow. I'll call you before bed too. Love you." He kisses my forehead and goes back to his car. I felt so empty without his embrace. Even though I shouldn't enjoy feeling empty, I never want to lose that feeling. I want to always crave being in his arms and to be near him. And I hope his feelings for me does t change either.

a/n: sorry that this chapter was crappy:(
i didn't know what to say but i hope i didn't disappoint? it's like 1 am here. is it only me or do you only write wattpads after 11pm? anyway thanks again for 1k reads!! ly guys and have a good day or night!!

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