Chapter 8

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When I woke up I thought it was all a dream. I mean who wouldn't? Lara Jean and Gen hanging out?! But no because the polaroid picture we took was still on my nightstand.
I got ready for school and ate breakfast.
"Kitty! Come on we're gonna be late!" I yelled.
"I'm going with my friends today!" wow kitty is growing up. She's already going with her friends. I'm pretty sure she's popular at school. Probably for being herself and not for her boyfriend who's friends are really your friends even when the relationship was fake but now it's not and- anyways...
I got to school and I couldn't see Gen. Ugh I should've asked if she needed a ride! How could I be so dumb. She doesn't have a car to go to school in.
"Heyyy Covey. Or should I say Gens new BFF!" Peter said in a high teasing voice.
"I wouldn't say bffs. She probably won't talk to me today if she shows up. She'll be with her friends who still think I'm some weirdo that miraculously got with the hot popular guy."
"You think I'm hot?" Peter touched his heart and wiggled his eyebrows.
"Whatever." I rolled my eyes and giggled. "Let's go to class."
"Lets skip. I mean since you did it for Gen why not for me?" Peter batted his eyelashes. I can't believe he actually thinks I would do it.
"Hmm...let me think about it. No. Not two days in a row."
"So what I'm hearing is that you'll skip class next time?!" Peter said hopefully.
"I'll think about it.." I wasn't going to I just like to leave him on the edge like that.

When lunch came around, Peter and I walked into the cafeteria. I saw Gen with her friends. She looked at me and I was worried that she'd pretend nothing happened and we'd continue hating each other. She turned back around and talked to her friends. Of course. How could I be so dumb to think that Gen and I could actually be friends again?
"Hey hey hey. What's with the face?" Peter interrupted my thoughts.
"Oh um nothing let's just go sit down." I said.
"Lara Jean?" I heard a voice say.
I turned around and saw it was Gen.
"Huh? I think Gabe is calling my name i'm gonna go bye." Peter said quickly and basically ran to his table.
"Hi Gen." I don't know why but it felt kind of awkward.
"I just wanted to thank you for yesterday. I wouldn't have been able to go through that alone and it was a big help that you were there."
"No problem. What did your parents say?"
"Well of course they were mad, but not as much as I thought they would be. They were surprised I handled it all without their help and I was surprised that they took it so well. But I guess life just...surprise you sometimes."
I could tell she meant how it was a surprise that I came and we connected again.
"Yeah I guess so. I'm glad your parents took it well."
"Yeah you wanna go eat at the diner? Everyone is kind of staring at us right now..."
I turned to look to see almost the entire cafeteria staring at us in disbelief. Yeah we're talking and not fighting what's the big deal? I never would have thought that a lot of people knew the hatred we had towards each other. But I guess everyone was surprised to see us actually getting along so that means they knew what happened between us. Maybe I wasn't as invisible as I thought.
"Um" I looked at Peter and he nodded with a smile. "Yeah sure. Lets go."
We went to the diner and I got a cherry coke and some chicken tenders and Gen got a strawberry smoothie and a salad and we shared a plate of fries.
"I'm really glad we started talking again. Well talking without arguing." Gen said and we laughed.
"Yeah me too. I never knew how much I missed hanging out with you and talking for hours."
"Speaking about talking, I found a boy I really like!!"
"Wow Gen! I'm so glad!" I'm pretty sure that means she's over Peter.
"He's so nice and funny. He's a bit older than me but he's hot. He just moved here and I think he'll be going to Adler High! OH!! We should have a double date!! Me,you, Peter, and Kenneth!"
"His name is Kenneth?" That sounds familiar?
"Yeah! It's kind of a fancy name right? Anyways what do you think about the double date?"
"Yeah that would be amazing! But wouldn't be a bit weird for Kenneth to go on a double date with your ex?"
"You're right....I wouldn't want to just be me and you and Kenneth because I don't want one of us to third wheel." Wow. I never knew Gen knew about third wheeling.
"Yeah. It's fine we don't have to do anything."
"But I want you to meet him! I know we just started talking again but I feel like we've stayed friends and haven't broken apart since middle school. Emily and the rest of my "friends" don't really care about me."
"But you have a lot of friends." I was so confused on how they didn't care about her. Wasn't she the center of the group?
"Yeah but none of them really care about me or my decisions. That's one of the reasons why I was against you. I was jealous that you had good friends." Gen was jealous of me?! "Even if it was only Chris, she always has your back and you have hers. The worst part was that Chris is my cousin and we still dont get along like you guys. You guys are always there for each other. Like the time I insulted your boots, Chris immediately backed you up. Emily would've just laughed. In middle school we were like that, always having each other's backs. So yesterday when we hung out again, I felt like I had that best friend again...I'm sorry I probably said so dumb."
"No no no! I felt the same way. It was nice being able to have my best friend that I could talk to about girly stuff with and go shopping. Chris isn't really like that but that's fine because we have other stuff we do that I wouldn't be able to do with someone else. Anyway what I'm saying is that I'm glad we're friends again. We're friends again right?"
Gen laughed "Yes. Yes we are."

At the end of the day I was going to take Gen home since she couldn't drive herself without her car. 
"Is it okay if we don't go to my house yet? I kind of wanna go somewhere else." Gen said.
"Yeah sure. We can go to my house if you want?"
"Yeah like old times."

"Your house hadn't changed a bit." Gen said as we walked in. I guess she could see the look on my face change a bit because she immediately added, "In a good way! I've always liked the way you're house felt. It's nice and cozy comfy. Mine is just big and empty and as fancy as it may seem it doesn't really feel like home." I forgot for a second that Gen lived in a mansion.
Kitty came down the stairs and her eyes widened when she saw Gen. I gave her a look that said don't say a word about it.
"Hey Kitty!" Gen said with a smile.
"H-Hey Gen." I could tell Kitty was a bit annoyed that she called her Kitty and not  Katherine since Gen isn't really close like she used to be.
We went to my room and looked back at old treehouse photos. We took more polaroid pictures and prank called some people.
"Maybe I could invite Kenneth over tomorrow and you could meet him!" Gen looked so happy.
"Yeah! I think I'm free. Just text me when!"
"Okay bye!" Gen said as she left. Her Uber was here. She didn't want me to bother myself to drive her home. I haven't seen this side of Gen in a while but I'm happy it got brought out again.
I guess I never really realized how much you could miss an old friendship. Mostly when it was a really close one. I hope we stay like this, it feels so nice to have her back as one of my best friends and I don't want to her lose her again.

a/n: I am soo sorry for not updating in while!! i haven't been able to think of anything but i hope that this chapter was good!! do you guys want to see more plot twists or wholesome scenes? ly guys!!

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