new feelings ~Lalex~

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🔴TW: Panic Attack🔴


November, 1994

"You guys are idiots." Alex said, turning his head to his three friends Luke, Reggie, and Bobby, They were currently arguing about something stupid, at least in Alex's eyes. They always walk to school with eachother, well, minus Bobby who would sometimes ditch the group to walk with his girfriend. It was apparent to the others that he got a new one every week. Either way it was fun for them to talk, and joke before they enter the hellhole, that is school.

"Handsome idiots?" Luke smirked at the boy.

"No." Alex replied, plainly.

"I beg to differ." Reggie chimed in.

"Yeah, well Alex is just being a grump because he has a chemistry test today." Luke said, as he faced back in front of him.

"First off i'm not a 'grump' and second of all, how did you know that?"

"I have my ways. I'm that cool-"

"He was spying on you as you complained about it to yourself at your locker. I watched him." Bobby said, looking at Alex but quickly turning to Luke with a smile, knowing how he would react to this.

Alex huffed, "You spied on me?" He turned his head back to Luke. "What? n-no I didn't spy on you. I just happened to hear you talk about it, that's all." Luke's cheeks were now plastered with red, he was embarrassed that he knew of this now. Especially considering that he had a crush on Alex that nobody knew about. Bobby probably just said it not thinking it would affect him, but boy it caught him off guard.

"Okayyy then." Alex dragged the 'y' as he opened the doors to the school, the others going behind him.

It was now 5th period and Luke's mind was still on Alex, I mean he was just so captivating. Everything he did practically left Luke mesmerized. It hasn't always been like this though, his feelings started progressing when he realized that he was pan. The only people he told was his three friends, and he was relieved when they accepted him. To be honest he didn't even know  being pansexual was a thing until Alex told him, as soon as he told him what it meant something in his brain clicked.

Alex would never like him. They always argue with eachother and, yes it usually is just jokingly but still. It was becoming harder everyday when girls would come up to him, and flirt with him. He didn't want those girls, he wanted Alex.

Here comes one of them now.

Betty Ripsom  (I don't know if we have any IT fans reading but- pft)

The head cheerleader, the popular girl, the person everybody wanted at their party

Luke didn't like her. Everyone is so blinded by her popularity that nobody ever even realizes how much of a bitch she is. Betty had a thing for Luke, and she made it very known to him that she did. The jocks in the school would look at Luke like he's crazy for turning down someone as hot as Betty.

Luke started to get the books he needed for the next class out of his locker. "Hey Lukey!" Betty called in the most squeaky voice he had ever heard, God he hated that voice. She approached him, and leaned on the locker next to his. "Oh uh- hey, Betty." He glanced at her for a second, until quickly looking back into his locker. "What are you doing on Saturday, Lukey?"

He hated that stupid nickname

wait, shit. Where the hell are brain cells to come up with a good excuse when you need them?

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