The man dipped his head. "My man acted prematurely. His employment was... terminated." He added an extra emphasis on the word terminated.

"Where is she now?"

"We tracked her to an independent cargo ship. You will be interested in this, sir. The ship was the Phoenix Star."

Diego lifted an eyebrow. "The same one that broke through the Ouranian blockade?"

A small grin interrupted his frown. "Yes, sir."

"Destroying that ship and its captain along with that Priestess would earn you a generous bonus, Mr. Asher."

"Our interceptor fired a quantum torpedo at the ship. They are dead."

Diego nearly winced at the cost of using a torpedo, but if it made the kill, it would have been worth the expense. "Do you have confirmation?"

"No, sir. The interceptor has not responded."

Diego narrowed his dark eyes. "That is troubling, Mr. Asher. I dislike uncertainty, especially with a target as important as this."

Asher nodded. "We will get the confirmation."

Diego ended the communication and leaned back in his chair, scowling. Asher and his team were supposedly some of the best mercenaries money could buy. Better results were expected.

An attractive young woman in a tight red dress stepped into the room. "Sir, the Prime Minister and Empress Pro-Tempore are here to see you."

"Send them in, Claire."

He tilted his head, watching her long blonde hair flip and hips sway as she turned to walk out. These characteristics, and a willingness to provide services much more personal than those normally required of an administrative assistant, were the primary reason he hired her. Destitute and nearly starving, he had rescued her from a hopeless life. Desperation was also a powerful motivator, one closely related to fear. Though unspoken, the implied threat of being returned to her previous existence persuaded her to demonstrate an expected level of gratitude. He was not without his own gratitude, though. Loyalty was richly rewarded.

The Prime Minister strutted through the hatch, his pompous grin fading for just a moment as he ducked his head to avoid hitting it on the rounded steel frame. The Empress Pro-Tempore did not need to duck when she shuffled in with her head bowed slightly and shoulders slumped. Her brown eyes briefly met Diego's, then immediately darted down. 

I intimidate her. Good.

Diego stood and motioned them to take a seat at the shiny table. They did, one on each side of him. He sat and looked down at them, all by design. His chair sat higher than theirs.

Claire sashayed in carrying a silver tray with a crystal decanter, three crystal tumblers, and a selection of artfully arranged fruits and candies. For each, she poured a measure of a pale green liquid. The Prime Minister tilted his head to take in a view of her long legs as she bent beside him. The Empress frowned at the display, saying nothing.

Diego lifted his glass and swirled the viscous liquid. "Alroa fruit juice, fresh from the Roan System. A rare delicacy indeed." He raised his glass. "A toast to our success!"

They drank. The Empress' eyes focused far away and her head swayed. Diego smiled. Apparently, she was not aware of the fast-acting mild hallucinogenic effect of the juice.

Claire returned, placing a gracefully curved glass bottle containing a dark amber liquid before the Prime Minister. Diego explained, "Wyatt, the Chairman sends his regards and this gift to you, a very old and expensive cognac, one of his favorites. I think you will enjoy it."

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