White Maid, Fluent

Start from the beginning

She watched herself tumble down, only to have Ciel catch her hand and hold them for a moment before they both fell, the tower crumbling after them.

No... Why can't I....

Her vision faded one final time, and she felt nothing. The last thing she heard, was a splash and sinking metal.

Cinematic Record:

Angelica Aurora Laverné-Magné, 

Date of Birth- June sixteenth, year unknown. 

Date of Death, January eighth, 1889.

Angelica Aurora, a young angel was learning how to fly, she finally did it. And fell laughing into her father's arms.

Angelica Aurora Laverné, the daughter of Arch Angel Michael.

Angelica Laverné, the rebellious angel with a passion for adventure.

Angelica Laverné, meeting the young demon Malphas on her first escape to Earth.

Angelica Laverné, becoming the first angel to befriend a demon in a millennia.

Angelica Laverné, yelled at when the discovering of her friendship to Malphas was made.

Angelica Aurora Laverné-Magné, locked away.

Angelica Laverné, brainwashed and released.

Angelica Laverné, A happy and lively angel.

Angelica Laverné, framed for murder.

Aurora Magné, becoming the White Maid.

Angelica Aurora Laverné-Magné, the first angel to have coitus with a demon since Lucifer.

Aurora Magné, adoptive mother to Ciel Phantomhive.

Angelica Aurora Laverné-Magné, remembering.

Angelica Aurora Laverné-Magné, Memory restored.

When she fell into the river, Sebastian pursued. He secured his master first, then made haste to find the blonde's body. 

Angelica... Angelica, where are you?

It was the glint of the butler's pin on her breast that caught his eye. Swimming quickly towards the body, blood spilled from her wounded shoulder and the bullet marks on her wings. Those would heal, he would make sure of it. Pulling her from under a metal beam, he looked down at her for a moment. 

She looked dead. Gritting his teeth in anger, he swam quickly to the surface, balancing her on his back while swimming with his one arm to the boat. Tossing her in alongside his master, he pulled himself in. "Angelica. Angelica, darling- this isn't time for your games. Angelica, this isn't funny! Darling, wake up!" He shook her roughly. Her head lolled to the side, water spilling from between her lips. 

Panic was setting in. He set both hands on her chest, beginning to pump, counting as he did. 

One, two, three.... 

"Come on, love... Don't do this to me."

One, two, three...

"I only just got you back..."

He leaned down, pressing his mouth against hers, breathing into her mouth. Nothing. Tears raced to his eyes as he snarled, "Dammit, Angelica. Don't do this. Not this time, love. Come on. Come on."

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