Aunt Flo pays a little visit (part 3)

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Ghost's POV


Me and the guys ran to the car and immediately went to Y/N's school "come on let's go" Swift said but i was already running to the front doors 'my little sister not be injured' i thought running through the halls not paying attention to the kids and busted into the principal's office "G-Ghost" Y/N said wearing her coat nothing else and i could tell she was in panic "are you alright?" Mc said finally catching up with me "i-im fine" she says trying to reach for Swift "you never stop doing that" Swift said chuckling as he kissed Y/N on her forehead "s-shut up" she says cuddling into her chest "since we don't have any of her...undergarments we thought it was best if she kept her first one on" the Principal says looking at Y/N gently with a worried face "fine we'll take her home" I said gently walking out the door first with the guys close to me "Thanks for calling Nia" Swift said looking at Nia "if it involves my best friend since birth then of course I'm calling" Nia says giving Y/N a friendly kiss on her forehead "bye Y/N" Nia says before backing up "bye" Y/N says as we left the office and go home 

At the house (I'm lazy and I'm in class right now)

Y/N was laying on her side in her bed while Rebel called April to help with this Aunt Flo shit "alright see you soon" Rebel said hanging up "well did she say she was coming?" Mc said "yes" Rebel said, "she doesn't want anything?" Me and Swift said at the same time "she said Y/N is her best friend and will do anything for her" Rebel said staring at his phone "wait!! Swift and Ghost said the same thing at the same time!!! Swift you gotta pay Ghost 50 bucks!!" Y/N said smiling "NO i don't have 50 bucks!!!" Swift said laughing making me and the others laughed as well. Y/N's smile and laugh always made us happy, she always tried to make our day better "okay young lady shouldn't you be taking a nap?" Mc said chuckling "I don't wanna" Y/N said giggling and kicking off her blanket "if you don't you know who's gonna get ya" Rebel said playfully smirking "Ah Space Apples" Y/N said wrapping her arms around her small body "its the tickle monster!" Rebel said running into her room and tickling her making Y/N squirm and laugh like crazy "AH NO STOP Hahahaahaha!! NO! Haahhahahahahaha!!! I'LL TAKE A NAP!!  BWAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!" Y/N said laughing until her voice rose up still laughing like crazy until Rebel stopped tickling her "alright I'll stop now nap lil girl before i get ya again" Rebel said poking Y/N's nose "okay okay!" Y/N said giggling gently then cuddles her blanket "dont' let me catch ya up" Rebel said closing Y/N's bedroom door and walking back to us "don't you think she's a little too old for that?" MC said "well if we stopped she wouldn't be so happy all the time would she Mc?" Swift punching Mc's arm "whatev" Mc said rubbing his arm while chuckling then someone threw a pillow at me "what the hell?" i said then saw Y/N standing in front of her door "i told ya to take a nap young lady!" Rebel said starting to get irritated "tire me out first" Y/N said putting her hands on her hips making me chuckle a little, it was always funny when Y/N was sassy a sign to show that she's bored "aight you on" Rebel said and picked up the couch pillow then threw it at Y/N but she ducked so it missed her "MISS" she said, she always watched us train in the DoJo so its obvious she's gonna try and put it to use "CANNONBALL" Mc said and threw the pillow Y/N threw at me with 3 of the couch pillows at her "YIPE" Y/N said ducking and blocking every last one of them "HAHA- OOF" she said but i threw a pillow at her and ran to my room to get some more "who done that?!?!" Y/N said looking mad "me sucka!" i said throwing the pillow at her but again she blocked "oh its on big bro OOF" she said again and fell on her ass "HEY!" she said jumping up to her feet "WHO DONE THAT?!?!?!" Y/N said using her big voice "YEETT" Swift said making me laugh so hard so i missed my chance to throw the pillow at Y/N then while we were waiting for April to get her ass over here we were pillow fighting

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