Where has Four gone?

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At this point Four had been gone from the Ruins for a while. Waiting grew tiresome for the contestants, but at least the fear that always lingered behind them of being killed dissipated for now. The vacuum of silenced enveloped the area, no screeching to be heard. Not one shriek. Stray leaves rode on the loving breeze that whistled faint shanties and tales of whimsical heroes and the tale of the land.

Reluctant objects had been buying Flower's skin-irritating sweaters to her delight; dealing with that would be better than the bitterness that the cold brought, which poisoned the flora to hues of auburns and chocolates. Woody sheltered in piles of leaves that towered over him, nerves eased with the dead noise, while blocky idiotically schemed up pranks for Four when they returned. It wasn't certain if they'd return, it appeared that they stormed away with the summer, never to see a glimpse of the ruins again.

A handful of contestants decided to trek the various rooms of the ruined temple to see if they could find something of interest. The tragic reality that it was an abandoned building of the ancients with no treasure seemed likely, but with the hundreds of rooms there was always a possibility.

Teardrop had strayed away from the other contestants in the temple, and eventually brought herself apon a strange room, with crude drawings all over the walls. This temple had layed sleeping and untouched for centuries, therefore the illustrations were quite peculiar. Drawn in a deep colour with a chalky crude texture, were some sort of pictures of....

Numbers. Numbers and variables, of which some included Two.

Most of them seemed like doodles in a child's notebook, no story behind them; some of them seemed to have some sort of unknown context. One of these consisted of a sharply pointed Two hovering over a pod of objects with their arms outstretched, beams of light radiating from Two like some sort of god. As Teardrop studies and examined the walls cautiously, she realised most of them consisted of the green number with an abnormally large ego. The majority were praising Two, surrounded by objects or using their powers. Strange. Very strange.

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