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Four's eyes flickered open to reveal a dank, earthy room. The only light that pierced the room's insides came from a small window, which had been stained a rotting yellow. A rank odor fed into their nostrils, almost like...

A bathroom.

So they were only in the bathroom, simple enough. They realised they'd been propped against the wall like a rag doll, so they attempted to stand up, only to stumble back down, as if gravity compelled him to be one with the dirt. Their muscles slept, no intention of working past a weakling's standard.

Through the dim light projected from the window, Four saw a bite-size, stubby figure looming over them. Of course slumping down they were only a few inches taller than Four, but still, it felt like the figure was challenging them. It clicked to Four that it was X standing there, so with all their might they let out a barely audible, raspy:
"X..?" X stood there for a moment, a skyscraper, before muttering back to Four.
"I'm sorry.. It was Two's idea.." they sniffed, and Four swore they could see glistens and sparkles trickling down X's cheeks, but they couldn't read their eyes to be sure. What Four realised was that X had something small and metal wrapped in their hand. It shimmered and shone in the faint light and the sound of it's jingle made this place even more like a prison.

"What's that you're holding X?" Four managed to whisper pathetically.
"Uh, it's not important, it's nothing." X chuckled nervously, hoping Four would drop the conversation. I mean, they had the right to be angry about being locked in the bathroom, but still.
"Show me. You know what happens if you don't, don't you? Do you want to be despawned?" Four put all of their strength into their voice, trying to sound as threatening as possible. Why is X hiding this from them?

X remained silent. Four gave them a chance, a fair one at that. They flexed their fingers to try and generate an orb of lightning, but to no avail. This had never happened before. They tried again, flexing, flexing, flexing. Nothing. Not a sliver of light. Or energy. Or anything graced their fingertips. A voice behind X commented on their less than successful performance.
"See, this is what I'm talking about." Two grinned, teeth gleaming now that they were at X's shoulder, just where the light hit. They planted a hand on X's shoulder.

Two stretched out their other arm, using their magic to illuminate the room. It was as clear as day now that X was holding some sort of necklace with the emblem of an eye printed onto it. Two had some sort of mark left on their chest from Four's attack. It wasn't exactly a scar, but it was quite noticeable. It felt like Four was being held down with chains, restraints, something, but as they looked around them they realised they were just too weak to do anything. Did a mere thwack on the head really do that? Two chuckled, watching Four's eyes prey and stalk on the necklace.
"I see you like the Necklace of Vampiration. Beautiful isn't it?" Four scanned the faces in the room. X was glancing away from everyone, a few stray tears worn on their face, while Two's interest stuck charmingly onto Four.
"Nothing's stopping you from getting up you know. I can't imagine you'd want to stay in this place, especially when you can be outside watching me be awesome and not failing as a host." Two never broke eye contact with Four while saying this. Confident as ever.
Four wouldn't let Two have their arrogance, and tried forging lightning again. Two didn't have a crumb of fear in there eyes, rather they walked over to Four and patted them on the head.
"That won't work, you know that.. right?" Two cooed.
"What makes you so sure?" Four snarled. What did they do to them?
"Don't you know what the necklace does? I'm sure it was obvious. It takes away your numeric powers. You, of all people should know that. Surveying the situation I thought it would be fair game if we let X mess around a little with your powers, don't you? You don't really deserve them anyways, I'm sure X can agree." X shrugged and stayed silent, clutching the necklace tighter. Where did they even get that necklace from? Why was X doing this? Four thought they'd be glad to see them. It's Two's doing. It has to be.

Four tried to prop himself standing upright, but their legs quivered and collapsed.
"Why is this happening to me?" They snapped in frustration.
"Oh come on, did you really not expect to feel like this when you're POWERLESS? That's what X felt like all the time. Along with how you treated them I'm surprised they hadn't gone insane and broke." Two commented.

Was that really how X felt all the time?
"I had no idea-" Four begun, before X cut them off.
"It's Okay." They smiled weakly before looping the necklace around their neck area. As soon as X did that, it seemed like the necklace began to glow brightly. X's eyes soon followed after that, their pupils vanishing under the glow of pure energy drowning their eyes. Two clasped their hands together. Four knew that Two had some sort of motive for this, it surely can't be just for X, right?

Powerless: BFB 17 ending B (BFB Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now