Chapter 23: It's Enough

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At the common room

Taehyung's P.O.V

I was sitting idly on the couch while reading One Piece manga for like three hours or so. I don't know because I lost track of time whenever I read something. After feeling somewhat satisfied with the last arc of Saboady Archipelago, I closed the manga and carrying it and the three other of the same manga with different volumes with me. Getting up from the couch, I did a little stretch before walking to my shared room with Namjoon. I really can feel pins and needles on my right legs as I walked. I should have know not to sit so carelessly but man it felt so good once in a while. I never thought I would end up having my time wasted on mangas other than playing games with Jimin. I flipped one of the manga to its back side to reread the synopsis.

Just before I reached my room, I stopped mid way as I stared at the wide open door and the fainted voice of Jimin and Namjoon hyung can be heard. Before anything else came to me and to do something like eavesdroping their conversations or to even came in and asked them directly about their discussion, a thought just ping out of my mind. 'Ahh, it must've been something about Jin hyung and his games again', I sighed darkly. Seriously...I had enough playing one with something so risky. Not knowing one will either be cured or totally getting out of hand, I won't part take any of it.

"Kookie is Kookie. That's all there is...nothing more". I mumbled. I eyed lazily at the opened door for a few mere second. I back off and started to walked to the kitchen. Putting the mangas on top of the island table, I went and grabbed Chilsung cider from the fridge. Sitting on a stool, I twist open the bottle cap and chug it down till it reached half of what's left. Head down and panting while the bottle was still in my grasp, I stared down at the floor like it was an interesting part of the building more than any.

'Can they cut the crap out and just be normal for once. It felt like I'm the only person in this house that's normal. Which is weird considering that I always be the abnormal one around here. Plus it's my job to be weird not them. My weirdness does not affect anyone but their weirdness affect one another. And this situation is beyond my understanding. I am weird. They're just act weird. That's the different. Acting and being one are totally a different thing. What can they gain from acting? To fake their true intention? To fake their facial expression? To fake their feelings? Don't jog with me. Just be honest for god sake. It's not that hard. It's obvious and a simple solution. simple as it is, it is indeed difficult. With Jungkook's situation and Jin hyung who made it even harder that is. This is really frustrating'. I closed my eyes and took a deep breath.

"You just have to do something on your own then...". I mumbled.

"Do what?"

I jolted at the familiar voice and suddenly straighten my posture as I saw Jimin and Namjoon hyung looking at me worried. Did they hear me? I didn't say it out loud aren't I?

"Yo Tae, you okay there?". Jimin waved a hand infront of me. He thought I may still be day dreaming or something. I playfully slapped his hand away and nodded. "Yea I'm fine. Just tired from all the reading".

"Yea no kidding. Your face look pretty defeated earlier like you lose something precious".

"Defeated? More like devastated don't you think?". Namjoon hyung tried to cut into our conversation.

"No no no. Devastated is a strong word. Maybe more like...lost in thought? I mean come on. It's Taehyung we're talking about here. He love to day dream as a living". Jimin started to point his finger at me to made his point as he faced the leader.

"Oh....You got a point there". Namjoon hyung grabbed two bottles of orange juice from the fridge and passed one to Jimin.

Rude. I gave them a small glare. I may always day dreaming but this was completely different from lost in thought right? Right?? I was talking about you guys in my thought so this doesn't count as something useless as a mere day dreaming.

Before Jimin tried to twist open the bottle cap, he looked at me. "Hey Taehyung", He called. I gave him a what-do-you-want look. He basically looked towards everywhere in the kitchen and at the common room to see if there's anyone other than the three of us. I narrowed my eyes as I turned to Namjoon hyung as he gave Jimin the you-made-it-too-obivious look. I guess they were about to discuss something to me about their plan. But sorry to say, I have to decline them before they say anything related. Jimin calm down eventually after his little look out and then faced me with full of seriousness. He was about to opened his mouth when I beat him to it.

"I won't listen", I said it deadpanned. Namjoon hyung and Jimin, who hung his mouth opened, gave me a questionable look. A couple of silence later, Namjoon hyung blinked his eyes and asked, "...What?".

"I said I won't listen"

"Wait wait wait! What do you mean you won't listen?! We haven't says anything yet!". Jimin whispered loudly so that only us three can heard it.

"Like I said, I won't listen". I crossed my arms.

"But why? You don't even know what we are about to tell you". Namjoon hyung had his one eyebrow arched upwards.

I glanced at the two of them and sighed. "I bet it's about Jungkook, and Jin hyung is behind all of this, right?". Their surprised reaction was all I need to get up from the stool and walked away from them with mangas and a bottle of Chilsung on the other hand. I stopped just before I was out of their sight. "It's enough". I looked at them with a small fainted smile carved on my face. "You guys can do it without me. I'm sure it's more than enough people in those plan". Jimin wanted to say something but I shut him out again. "But please...don't cause any more trouble to Jungkook-ssi. It sadden me to the core".

And I left them speechless then and there. As I walked through the corridor, I saw Jin hyung was outside of the youngest room, stared down on the door knob. The sound of my foot step must've been heard as he turned towards me and suddenly looked at me with wide eyes. The cause? I just gave him quite a dark glare while thinking about all of the thing he did to my beloved Kookie. This must've been quite a shocked for him because I never gave him a dirty look once. But I was pent up with frustration so my facial expression gave out my real feeling. Aside from that, I'm just tired with all of his possessiveness towards the youngest.

"Nee...Taehyung-ssi. What with the rebellious look? Did something happened? Do you need something from me?". He gave me an innocence smile but that alone can't covered the dangerous tone in his gentle voice. And his eyes wasn't smiling at all. The word fake is all over his face.

"Nothing. I'm dead tired right now and planning to sleep right after this. So I'm gonna skip dinner". I tried to avoid unnecessary argument with the oldest as I could be, because no one will ever know what was running inside his mind right now. It could be some sort of 'How to torture your dongsaeng slowly with words 101' or so.

"Is that so...". When I was about to grab open the door to  my room, Jin hyung sighed slightly and said with a quiet voice. "No matter what this is about, you can always come to me and satisfied your curiosity you know". My hand frozen in its place. I broke a sweat as I saw Jin hyung looked at me with a sad expression at the corner of my eye. "We're brothers, right? We only have each other right now. Fighting amongst us are just making it difficult for the situation".

Of course I know 'bout this.

"And Jungkook need us more than ever"

I know...

"and you're one of the person Jungkook mostly really like to open up to"

'I....huh?' I slowly turned to faced Jin hyung. 'I'm a what...?'.

He gave me a very sincere smile. "So please Taehyung-ssi, please look after Jungkook-ah if he needs you, okay?". He smiled with his eyes closed.

To be continued

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 20, 2020 ⏰

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