Chapter Two

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Chapter Two

Of course I was being silly. There was no way I could get back. The Doctor had made that very clear. But that couldn’t stop the idea that was forming in my mind.

“Doctor,” I said to my husband, ”What if Gallifrey isn’t gone in this universe?”

He looked at me excitedly, “There’s only one way to find out.”

I turned my head to look at him. I was sure my face showed the utter shock that I was in.

“Really?” I asked him.

“Yes, Rose. Let’s go into space!” He smiled widely.

“But…how?” I asked not knowing what to say.

“I don’t know! We’ll figure it out! Just know that I’ll get you there no matter what,” he kissed me on the head, ”but for now, let’s go back to sleep and have good dreams now.”

I nodded and laid my head back down on my pillow.

I woke up the next morning to the sweet sound of my mother yelling for me to wake my lazy arse up.

“Mum, what’s gotten you so riled?” I asked looking at my mother’s heavily makeup’ed face. She did not look happy.

“Like hell you’re going to Gallifrey! I simply won’t allow it!” she yelled.

“Mum, you know how miserable I’ve been. If we go to Gallifrey, the Doctor might be able to get a license to fly a TARDIS and get his own.”

“I know what you were thinking, Rose, I am your mother, but I don’t like the idea of you going into space again,” she whined.

“I’m a grown woman now. I can make my own choices,” I refuted.

“But Rose,” my mom got quiet, “What if you don’t come back this time?”

I sighed. I knew the risks perfectly well.

“That very well might happen, but it doesn’t change the fact that I want to take those risks. I need to get my old life back. I need to be able to go anywhere in the universe again. Mum, you know how that feels too. You were in the TARDIS with me the last time I was-“ I started.

But my mom cut me off. “He wouldn’t even let me help fly the damn thing.”

“But still, didn’t it feel amazing to know you had the power to go anywhere?” I asked her.

She contemplated for a second before reluctantly saying, “Yeah…it was pretty nice.”

A smile grew on her face.

“See, Mum. You know why I have to leave. I’m going to try and get back to my Doctor, and if I can’t, I’ll come back. But I can’t promise anything,” I explained.

My mother’s face lightened up with understanding.

“Very well, Rose,” she said sadly.

“Thank you, mum,” I said, lightly touching her hand, showing her that this really meant the world to me.

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