Chapter Eight

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I said i was going to be better and again it was two weeks since i last posted anything. Im really sorry :(

but i hope you enjoy this chapter. The next one is the last.

Vomment and fan :)



Chapter 8

I knocked on the front door of the home that belonged to the girl named Clara.

"I told you, I'm not letting you in!" she yelled.

"It's not the Doctor," I tried. "My name's Rose."

There was silence for a bit and then the door swung open. I took a step back out of surprise.

"You're the girl that was just at the shop," she remembered me. "You gave me that lunatic's phone number," she said, pointing behind me, to where I assumed the Doctor was standing, probably with that goofy smile spread across his face.

"You see, Clara - that's your name isn't it? - that man isn't really a lunatic. He's mad, but more like mad-excited than mad-delusional, if that makes any sense at all..."

"No, not really." Clara looked confused, but willing to listen further. Amused almost.

"Well..Anyway, he and I are traveling together. We were wondering if you'd like to come along?" I tried explaining.

"Why would you want me to come? We've only just met," she frowned.

"No, we met a half an hour ago at a store and you asked me for help. You trusted that I would be able to help you, and I trust that this man behind me can help the both of us...because he is /wonderful/," I used my Spock logic on her.

Clara looked me up and down.

"How are we traveling? By way" She laughed.


"You're crazy," she said, "and I'm not sure why...but I like you."

"Does that mean you'll come?"

"Fine," she said. "I'll go with you."

"Good, I'm gl-" I started.

Clara interrupted, "But he has to stay here. I don't trust monks."

"He's not really a monk, he's just dressed that way."

Clara did not look amused.

I looked back at the Doctor. He looked hurt, but he nodded. I figured that if I showed Clara the TARDIS that might somehow help her trust the Doctor more. He and the TARDIS are connected in almost a surreal way.

"Alright, Clara. If you'll step into that box behind us, I'll show you why it's worth traveling with me and the Doctor," I smiled.

"Hey, I don't swing that way," Clara said, her face serious.

"Yeah, neither do I. It's not a snog-box if that's what you're thinking," I laughed. "Just come with me."

I turned around and gave the Doctor that said 'Can you believe this girl?' but I was mostly joking.

I walked over to the Doctor holding out my hand.

"What?" He asked.

"The key..." I reminded him.

"You didn't keep yours?" He asked, sadly.

"No I did. But the lock's probably changed, right?"

Meeting You for the First Time AgainTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang