"Em, we have to go before anyone walks out. So, drive." You said smiling. She giggled and pulled out of the drive way.

She drove to your house, when she got there she looked at you.

"We're here, Y/N." She said. You looked at her, and smiled. She smiled back at you.

"Do you want to come inside?" You asked softly. She stared into your eyes, "Sure, why not." She said turning the car off. She got out, and you did too.

You unlocked the door, and you let Emily in. She hasn't been to your house in a while, mainly because you all went to a club, or to Garcia's house.

"I haven't been here for a while." Emily says. You smile and take her coat off for her, you hang it up, along with yours.

"Want anything to drink?" You ask. She nodded.

"Wine?" You ask. She smiles, "Sure, that sounds good." She said. She walked to the living room and sat down, she turned the tv on.

You grabbed the wine cups, and poured some wine for the both of you. You walked up to her, and handed her the glass, as you sat down.

"What're we watching?" You asked. "You'll see, just wait." Emily replied. You smiled and drank your wine. She put a movie on, she sat back and you rested your head on her shoulder.

She put her hand on your thigh, you smiled and watched the movie. At the end, you fell asleep. Emily was awake still, she looked at you and smiled. She moved your hair behind your ear, she carefully moved you, she then picked you up and carried you to your room.

She covered you up, and plugged in your phone. She kissed you on your forehead, and went back into the living room. She put the wine glasses in the sink. When she was done, she went outside and went to her car. She got in the back, and grabbed her go bag.

She went back inside, and locked the door. She then went to your room, and grabbed her charger, she plugged in her phone and got into the bed with you. You turned over, and cuddled her. Your head was under hers, and before she fell asleep she kissed your forehead. "Goodnight, Y/N." She said softly.

The next morning your alarm went off, you groaned and turned. You saw Emily and smiled. She opened her eyes slowly.

"Ah, good morning, Y/N." Emily said softly. You smiled.

"Good morning, Em." You replied. She smiled and kissed you softly. A few seconds later, you pulled back.

"Em, i didn't know you were staying." You said. She stared at you.

"Hm, well, i didn't want to leave you alone. Plus, i wanted to cuddle with you." She said. You smiled and kissed her.

She pulled back, "Ah, ah, Y/N. We have to get ready for work." She said. You groaned and she got out of bed. "C'mon, Y/N" She said pulling the blanket off of you.

"Emily, it's cold, give it back." You said groaning. "Nope. You need to get out of bed, we have work." She said smiling.

"Don't. Remind. Me." You said turning over. "Y/N, nooo. C'mon" She said as she grabbed onto your arms and pulled you up. You sighed.

"Fine, you win. Let's go." You said. She smiled, "Good." She said, as she kissed you. You kissed her back.

"Oh, but i need clothes." She said pulling away. You nodded, "right, well lucky for you, i have some in my closet." You said giggling. She smiled and walked to your closet.

"These are uncomfortable." You said, as you started taking off your jeans. "I can't believe i slept in these." You continued. You got them off and you threw them in your basket. Emily turned around and looked at you.

"Here, put this on. Or at least put some clothes on." She said giving you clothes. You smiled, "i'd rather stay home, in my underwear watching something." You said.

"Me too, Y/N, but we have work. So get changed." She said. You sighed, "Ugh, fine." You said. She smiled.

You both got changed, you both put light make up on, and you straightened your hair. Emily did too. "Let's go, if we want coffee, we have to leave now." Emily said. You nodded, and you both walked out the door.

You got into the car, and Emily did too. She started the car, and pulled out of your drive way. A few minutes later, she arrived at the coffee place. She got your order, and she got yours.

"Emily, i'm paying this time, you did last time, so it's only fair." You said. She rolled her eyes, "Fine." She said. You smiled and handed her your credit card.

She handed you your credit card back, and she grabbed the coffee's. She gave you yours, and she drove off. She pulled into the bau parking lot. You both got out, and walked inside. You got into the elevator. When they opened you both walked out, and walked into the bau room. Everyone looked at you Emily.


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