chapter four

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Emily kissed you back, the kiss got sloppy. Before anything else would happen, you pulled away.

"Y/N, you need to know why i was ignoring you." Emily said softly.

"Why, Emily? Why did you ignore me?" You asked. She sighed.

"I'm sorry. I ignored you because.. Because i almost kissed you, Y/N. I didn't even know if you actually liked me, and even if you do it's against the rules." Emily said in one breath.

"Em.. Of course i like you, isn't it obvious? I'm never focusing when i'm around you. I'm always thinking about how much i want to kiss you, Emily. And even if it is against the rules, i'm willing to take a risk for you." You said.

She bit her lip and smiled, "Y/N, i didn't know if you were playing along with me, i'd always flirt with you." She said.

"God, it was hot. So, keep going." You said giggling. "But, Em.. Seriously.. Do you want to do this?" You asked.

She smiled, "Of course, Y/N, but we seriously need to keep this a secret." She said tilting her head.

"Got it." You said kissing her. She smiled against your lips. She then kissed you back. She pulled back a few seconds later.

"Okay, we need to go before they get suspicious. Oh, and, Y/N?" She asked as she looked at you.

"Yeah?" You asked, looking into her eyes.

"You can't tell Garcia. We all know how she is, and she'll tell everyone. I know you've been going to her, after i saw you leave her office after i almost kissed you.. Okay?" She said. You bit your lip.

"Okay." You said smiling. "Okay." She replied. She kissed you quickly, then opened the door. She let you go first, and you both walked out.

She sat down, then you sat down. Everyone looked at you two.

"Where did you two go?" Hotch asked. You looked at Emily, then back at Hotch.

"I needed to talk to Emily, about a problem we had." You said honestly.

"What was the problem?" Reid asked. You sighed.

"It's nothing anymore, we handled it, and we're fine." You said smiling. Hotch looked at Emily, then back at you.

"Okay, well thanks for telling me." Hotch said. He looked at Charisma. Charisma is his new girlfriend, he starting dating her a few months after Beth and him broke up. He seems a lot happier with Charisma, and she loves Jack a lot.

"Ready to go? I'm sure Jack wants to see us before he goes to bed." Hotch asked. She smiled.

"Yeah, let's go. I will see you ladies, in a few days." She said getting up. Hotch pushed her chair in and linked his arm, around hers. They said bye and walked out.

"Well, i'm tired so i'm gonna go home." Emily said. She looked at you.

"JJ, are you going home right now? I'm tired and i wanna go home." You said looking at JJ.

"No, Y/N. I'm sure Emily will take you though." She said. You looked at Emily, she smiled and nodded. You both got up, and grabbed your coats.

You said bye to everyone and walked out. "Oh Y/N, i'm sorry about leaving you at work today." Emily said getting in the car.

"It's okay, Em. But don't do that again, i would've called a cab if JJ wasn't there." You said smiling. She looked into your eyes.

"I'm sorry, i won't do it again." She said leaning in to kiss you. Her lips reached yours, you kissed her back. You pulled back.

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