1.The beginning

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Meliodas POV.

It was finally Valentine's Day , witch all the lovey dubby stuff starts to happen. Like couples, confessions,heartbreaks, and many other things.

But why hasn't any of that stuff happen to me? Is it because I haven't found nobody? or because I reject all these girls that are all over me?

I mean right now I probably have so much hearts and cards, gifts in my locker,but am not interest in love right now. I mean last time I confess it turn out like hell and a really hard heartbreak.

But sometimes when I see these really happy couples,I just wish I had what they have .Sometimes I just wish I was put under a spell with the girl of my dreams my lover. And never wake up from that spell.

I've heard many rumors that your soulmate is bound to you by a red string around your pinky.And when I think about it , I think that my string is cut.
Since after what happen a few years ago...Out of all the words in the world, those were the ones she had to use. What? You wanna what happen reader?
Well a few years ago,I fell in love with this girl. She was the center of attention to everyone. She had this smile that made everything better when you had a bad day.
Almost all the guys at school wanted her. But they just wanted her for her looks if you saw how they looked at her.

But I didn't like her for her looks , I mean she did have a nice body, but what I like the most of her was her personality.

Her smile,her laugh,her eyes....her voice that sounded like music to my hears when she called my name.

But after what happen,now I feel cold. Am not interested in the word "Love" any more, for me is just hatred.

I mean I feel broken.

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