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       Gold stopped and pulled away from Marionette. "Foxy!  Good you're here. I was getting worried."

     Foxy shot him a disbelieving look. I noticed his hand was clenched into a fist.

     "Great," he said again.  "Now how about you and the pile of trash follow me. We need to talk."


    Somehow we ended up in Kid's Cove.  Gold stopped and turned to face us. "So now we can take this...Golden opportunity to talk and catch up!" He said chuckling. 

      I scowled and Foxy took a step forward. "Get to the point!" He said. Golden Freddy rolled his eyes.

     "Fine. You and the trash pile seem to have a tendency to become screwed up and worthless. Pretty soon, she will be pointless.  Im warning you, if you don't start beinf careful, something will go wrong."

      I snorted. "Like what?" I asked. He looked up at me. "Like an accident..or how does never waking up in the mornings sound?  You'll be finished.  Gone."

       I felt a worm of fear but dismissed it. "The children still love to rip me apart. I won't lose my touch. And we're being careful with the...accidents."

      Foxy looked at the floor. "I'm aready a pile of junk used for nothing more than parts. Plus why would you help us? We already know this.  Did you crawl out of some hole who knows where just to insult my friends and disturb us?" He said angrily.

      Gold folded his arms. "That's no way to speak to a friend.  If you feel that way I'll leave. But remember, you're going to mess up. One of you anamatronics is going to ruin it all. I only wish you luck."

       Then,  before my eyes,  Gold vanished.

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