Chapter 6

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«Good morning beautiful! Had fun last night?» Is what I woke up to. I smiled to my screen and typed a quick 'good morning' back and got up. I looked to the clock, and counted backwards from 10. As soon as I reached 0, my phone rang. Yes, Ace is predictable. Not my fault.

"Headache?" I held back a smirk. "Yes..." his voice was quiet. "Why did you let me drink so much?" He whined. "I tried to stop you but did you listen? No." He shushed me. "Too loud." He said. I laughed. "That's what you get for drinking too much, Ace."

"Quinn, shut up!" His voice was normal, meaning he was trying to raise it. "Was it at least worth it?" It was silent for a while. "Totally." We both laughed. "Best Saturday night ever, amirite?"

"Yeah... best night ever." The door knocked. "Ohh~ someone got a visitor!" Ace said, giggling to himself. I walked to the door and opened. "Good morning gorgeous!" Shane grinned. I smiled. "Hey." I stepped aside, and he walked in. "Had fun last night?" He asked, setting a paper bag on the kitchen table. "Yeah." I took my phone. "I'll call you later." I told Ace. "Okay! Have fun! And use protection!" I turned red. "Wha-"

"Byee!" He hanged up. "What's wrong?" Shane asked as he took two boxes out of the bag. "Ace being an idiot." I turned to him. "What's in the boxes?" The smell hit me. "Pancakes." Shane opened a box, and, Oh. My. God, they smelled amazing. "Thought you might like some breakfast." He smiled. Then frowned as he looked around. "Where are the plates?" I walked over to the cupboard with the plates, pulling two out. Shane took the plates from my hands. "Take a seat, love." He kissed my hair. "Don't you need help?"

"I'm not that useless, süβer." He looked to me. "I never said you were." He smirked, as he gently put our breakfast on the plates, never breaking eye contact with me. "Breakfast is served." He said, putting both plates on the table and taking two forks and two knives from the bag. "I'll make coffee." He held a hand up, then gestures to two cups of Starbucks, next to the bag. "Already ahead of you." I smiled. "You really thought of everything, huh?" He pulled the chair for me. "Yep." I sat down. He kissed the top of my head. I leaned my head back to look at him, and he leaned down, kissing me on the lips. He tasted like maple syrup and espresso. I loved it.

Shane took a seat opposite from me. "Hope you like it." He winked, and then we started eating. And they were really good. "I get it you like them?" Shane swallowed. I nodded, taking one more bite. "How did you know?" I asked after I had swallowed. "Your eyes went wide, a little bit. It was cute. And I'm glad you liked them." He smiled, then took a sip from his coffee.

"Tell me about last night." I almost chocked, and he laughed. "I meant with your friend!" He said while laughing. "It's not funny!" I kicked him lightly under the table. "Ow! Jeez, sorry." He faked being hurt. I could tell, he was still smiling. "Ace got drunk and went home with some guy." He raised an eyebrow. "And what about you? Had fun with some hot guy at the party?" He joked, or tried to. "No, I had fun with a hot guy before the party." He blushed, maintaining eye contact for a few more seconds, before look away, smiling. No, grinning. "Did you drink?"

"I was supposed to drive Ace back, so I didn't drink much." He frowned. "Shame." He leaned back, running a hand through his hair. I smiled. "Plans for today?" He asked me then. "Finish the article." I pushed my now empty plate away. "How about I come over later with drinks and pizza?" Shane proposed. "Or even better; why don't you come over?" He offered. "I'll think about it. But right now I just want to go back and lay on my bed." I sighed, taking the last sip from my coffee. Shane stood up, putting out dishes and silverware on the sink and the cups in the trash. "Can I join?" I smiled. "Of course." He smiled and walked to me. He stopped in front of me, and lifted me up bride style. I squealed. He laughed. "Let's get you to bed, my prince." He smiled, kissing me on the lips, then taking me to my room.

He let me on the bed, then laid next to me. We spend the morning there, just laying on the bed, staring to each other with, both with a small smile on our lips. After around thirty minutes, Shane moved. He put his hand on my cheek, gently stroking it. I smiled more. "Es fühlt sich an wie im Himmel." He said. I frowned. "Und du bist mein Engel." He moved closer to me, leaning in. So did I. It was a lazy kiss, yet it felt amazing. He pulled away, putting his forehead on mine. "I have no idea what you're saying." He laughed. "I'm saying you look like an angel." I smiled.

He pulled me closer to him and flipped us, so that he was laying on his back. I was now laying on him. He leaned closer to me, kissing me again, not breaking it away till it was necessary, due to the lack of air. He then kissed me again.

We spend the day together; making out lazily in the morning, going out for pizza at noon, coffee break at the cafe we met, then to his place. We put on a movie on Netflix, and each of us did his own thing; he was correcting some tests he was 'too lazy to correct before' and I was working on my article.

I was scanning the pictures again, my eyes going back to the note. I leaned back, when the screen of my phone lit up with a mail. I opened it and started reading.

No... it can't be...

I was right...

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