Chapter 3

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So basically, this is what my days looked like for the time; I would go to the café before work, talk with Shane a bit, then head to work. After the fourth day or so, we started hanging out outside the café. We would go for dinner, a drink, or watch a movie. It was nice, honestly. I enjoyed spending time with him. It was something different, something new.

Savage had been taking it easy for a while, apparently. The death toll has dropped to a body per week. It didn't sound much, but that meant that more people got to live, and less got to experience the grief of losing a loved one. And that was good. The whole city is hoping that Savage will stop soon, but I know better. I have seen enough to fear this calm, to fear that he's planning something bigger. Something worse.

I was at my desk. It was yet another Tuesday night. People were starting to leave, or get ready to leave. All photographers had already left the building an hour ago, and anyone just working. All that was left was us -the writers-, and Editor Crowley. And even us had started to leave. Judy had left not five minutes ago, mumbling something about a 'Football game with her neighbors'. I looked up from my screen, seeing Justin turning off his computer and putting his bag over his shoulder. "Leaving so soon?" I asked. He looked over. "Yeah. I'm dead tired and not in the mood of waking up in keyboard lines." We all laughed. "It is getting quite late... We should be leaving too." Ace yawned. "I still haven't finished!" I complained. "Quinn, all that has happened so far is a robbery."

"AND A KIDNAPPING!" Justin laughed. "Right..." He left, after mumbling a 'goodnight'. I went back to writing. The building was quiet, with the occasional sound of a car passing by and the almost inaudible sound of the keyboard keys.

The quiet atmosphere didn't last long. "I happen to know you well enough," I looked up, Ace leaning against my desk. "to know that you're done with the article and editing. So what are you doing?" He asked me, eyebrows furrowed, before look to my screen. "Quinn..."

"They're planning something! I know it!" He sighed. "Quinn, have you ever thought they might just be planning to retire?"

"Yes, but I was quick to dismiss it." He rolled his eyes. "Maybe that's the problem. They're still human, deep down. Try to treat them as such." I turned and glared to him. "Compare my articles with others, and see who treats them more like a human being."

"Then give them a chance?"

"I've ran out of chances to give."

We heard footsteps, both of us looking up. "Uh... hi?" Shane said. I heard Ace chuckle. "I'll leave you two alone." I turned to him. Ace winked, before gather his stuff and leave. I stood up, as Shane walked closer to me. "What are you doing here?" I felt myself smile. "I came to visit." He frowned. "Y-you don't mind, do you?" He asked in a worried tone. I smiled. "Of course not." Of course? Why of course? What was going on with me? At the time I didn't know.

Shane smiled again. I hadn't noticed that his hands were behind his back, till he brought them forward, revealing a rose. I must have turned completely red, and he laughed. "I was thinking... maybe you could accompany me for dinner?" Now it was him who blushed. Lightly, yes, but still a blush. "Uh, s-sure..." He smiled even wider. "J-just give me a moment to turn off my computer." He nodded, walking out of the office. I sighed, turning off my computer. The door to the Editor's office opened, Editor Crowley walking out. "Oh, Quinn. Still here?"
"I-I-I was just leaving." I felt a bit awkward. He looked to my desk and smirked. "Got a date?" I turned even redder. "Have fun, kid. Just be careful. We all know you tend to attract... ehm... weird people." I sighed, looking to the rose Shane had left on my desk. "With my luck, he might be a Nazi." He laughed. "Let's hope not." He patted my shoulder, walking to the exit. "Come on, I have to lock." I took my bag, rushing out. Shane was waiting for me, smiling wide as he saw me. "Careful. He's one of my best." Editor Crowley patted my shoulder, before lock the doors. "I will." Shane smiled, wrapping an arm around my waist, and I felt myself blush again. "You better." I buried my face in my hands, making Shane laugh. "Let's go, shall we?" I lifted my head and nodded.

We walked out of the building, to his car. He jogged a bit, getting in front of me, opening my door. I smiled before getting in. "Where are you planning to take me?" I asked, raising an eyebrow, when he got in. He smirked. "You'll find out, eventually." I rolled my eyes. "Tell me!" I asked again. He stayed quiet. I felt like kid, as I huffed annoyed and turned my head to the window, staring outside. I felt something warm on my hand. I looked over, seeing that he had put his own over mine. I felt myself smile lightly, and blush. I looked to Shane, just as the car came to an halt in front of a traffic light. He looked back to me and smiled, before turn back forward, and taking my hand, bringing it to his lips. He kissed the outside of my palm, and I felt myself blush even more. I was ready to explode. I looked away.

It was that very night, that very moment even, when I realized I liked him as more than a friend. It was that moment that I realized I really liked Shane.

It was at that very moment I realized I had a crush on Shane.

Oh shit... I have a crush on Shane.

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