Chapter 5

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Ever since that night, Shane had started caring me his boyfriend, in addition to süβer. and I blush every. Single. Time. It had already been a week, and I feel like I'm back in schedule.

Shane was at a teacher meeting at school, and I was at home, working on the case. Shane not being here meant I could have my notes out in the open without someone judging.

I was sitting on the floor, laptop on my lap, everything I know about Savage on the wall. I've been on this job for a few years, I had grown to think like a detective, keep my mind open, and my guard up.

My phone rang an hour later. It was Ace. "Me, you, hot guys. Get ready." Were his first words as soon as I answered. "I'm working." I looked to the wall. Ace is the type of person that can easily change your mind, especially if you don't pay attention. The number of times I've ended up going to some bar with him, even when I didn't want to... I swear, this guy is like a siren! "Awe come on, man! It's out opportunity to get laid~"

"Ace, no." I laughed. Ace looks like a sweetheart, a shy person... but in reality he's like one of those popular girl in high school. Party is his middle name.

...okay it's actually #%$ but he won't tell a soul... except me. "Ace yES! Dude! Hot. Guys. All around us! And all. Gay. Come ON Quinnie!" I could practically hear the puppy eyes in his tone. "Pwetty pwease?" I laughed. "No-o... I have to work!"

"You can work tomorrow! Qui-inn! It's Saturday afternoon! You can't stay at home!" He whined. "I have wine, I have Netflix... I think I can." My eyes drifted to the shelf, next to my board. I smiled as I saw a note Shane had written to me and the Rose he gave me on our first date. "What if I end up being one of the people you write in your stories, huh? Or a victim of sex trafficking?" I glared to the phone. "Don't ever use that to convince me again, Lim. People go missing all the time!"

"What if I become one of them, huh?" I groaned. "I'm not coming." I repeated. My eyes drafted over to the board again. "You must have not heard me; hot. Guys. Around. Us." I stood up, walking to the board. I took Shane's note, and I looked to the writing on the wall, sixth victim.

The handwriting matched.

"Quinn? QUINN? Are you still there??" I looked over to the phone. "You know what? Why not? Let's go out tonight." I must be mistaken... there has to be a mistake somewhere! I heard Ace cheer. "Awesome! I'll pick you up in at eight!" I looked to the clock. "The bar opens at eight?"

"Who said anything about a bar?" I gulped. "Then?" I heard him click his tongue against his teeth. "A friend of mine is throwing a party, and I got invites~. It's gonna be awesome!!" He said. My phone buzzed. I looked over, to see a text from Shane. «I'm bored and I miss you 😕», it read. I smiled. «I miss you too.»

«Any plans for tonight, gorgeous? 😏» I felt my cheeks heat up, a little bit. «Going out with a friend.» I instantly regretted sending the text. What if It wasn't a mistake? What if someone at the party is next? What if Ace is next? What if I'm next? «Awe, i was thinking we could do something together. Oh well, have fun love ❤️» I was now regretting two life choices; saying yes to Ace, and telling Shane where I would be. But what I sent him next I regret more...

«I have a few hours 😉» Shit. What was I thinking?! I saw the icon saying that Shane was typing. Then it disappeared. And a text appeared. «The meeting just ended. Be there in ten.» I looked over to my board. I should probably start cleaning it up.

It had been ten minutes and I wasn't done yet. The doorbell rang. I froze. "Shit!" I glanced to the board, then the door, then the board. "I debated for a moment what to do. Then decided to open the door. Shane was standing there, school bag on his shoulder. "Miss me?" He smirked. "I was tidying my room..." I sighed. "Can I...?" He pointed inside. I stepped aside, and he came in, closing the door behind him. "How was the meeting?" I started walking to my room. I had to finish. "Boring as always..." I hadn't noticed he was following me. "That's a nice bedroom." I turned to him. "That board tho causes nightmares." He pointed to my board. "I was working on an article." I sighed and continued to clear the images.

I removed another pin, taking another photo off, and then felt a pair of arms around my waist. He kissed my neck. "S-Shane?" He shushed me. "You look beautiful, you know." He whispered, taking the pictures from my hand and setting them on the shelf next to me. He then turned me so I was facing him. "So... two hours to kill... what shall we do?" He smirked as he leaned closer. I felt his breath on my lips. "I-I..." Was all I managed to say. He chuckled quietly. "Don't talk, love." He kissed me. I closed my eyes, kissing him back and cupping his cheeks. He pulled away after a while, not much, but at the moment, it seemed like he was miles away.

"Just follow my lead." He kissed me again, this time more passionate. He pulled me closer to him, as close as he could. And for that moment, for those two hours -for that whole night, even-, I forgot everything; my job, Savage, the matching handwriting... it was just me and him. And I was the happiest I had been in a while.

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