Epilogue - Saffron x Hunter

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^Saffron's promise ring and their Winter Showcase dance^

Ever since Chloe and Will got back together, Chloe had gotten so much happier; even happier than she was before. I met her father and Marianela Nunez at a sleepover at her house after she got the promise ring from Will. We fangirled all night about how romantic Will was and at one point, we ended up talking about the "couple" outside her bedroom door. We spent the next day at my house, alternating between Hunter and my room and our basement studio. Currently, we were stretching out our arches en pointe and chatting about random stuff. "So, Saff," I turned to look at her. "Has Hunter said anything to you about," She paused. "Anything?" I gave her a confused look before shaking my head, going back into a grand plie a la seconde, leaning out on the tip of my pointes.

"No, he hasn't talked to me about anything since you and Will got back together," I said. "Why?" She looked around nervously, as if she was afraid someone was going to watch her tell a secret. I raised my eyebrows.

"Since you asked-" She was cut off by the swinging of the basement door opening and a look of relief flashed across her face. I frowned and turned to the door where Hunter seemed to be having a silent conversation with Chloe. Then - with one final warning look at Chloe - he turned to me.

"Saff, can I speak to you for a moment?" I looked at Chloe who gave me an encouraging look and followed Hunter out of the room in only a leotard and sweatpants.

I followed him up the stairs and into our room. He stepped over the imaginary line we shared and I stayed on my side, waiting for him to speak. He cleared his throat and rubbed the back of his neck, something I realized he did when he was nervous.

Wait, why am I realizing what he does when he is feeling a certain emotion? It's because you love him, you idiot, my conscience replied. That moment on the stage meant nothing. Right? I argued, but even I was questioning myself. This is why I hate romance.

While I was arguing with myself, Hunter got the courage to speak up. "I was wondering,"He started, and cleared his throat again. "Wouldyouwanttogoonadatetonight?"He muttered really fast. I raised an eyebrow at his nervousness and stifled a laugh.

"Pardon? I didn't catch the last part." I answered honestly. He took a deep breath and spoke slower.

"Would you want to go on a date tonight?" He asked, and I noticed his face burn red for a couple moments. I smiled; he was nervous?

"Sure." How could I not say yes to his cuteness? You also love him. My conscience reminded me.

"Great, I'll pick you up downstairs at 7." I nodded - smiling to myself about his cuteness - and turned to leave. As I pounded down the stair and back into the basement, I blushed and shook my head.

"Well?" Chloe asked. "What happened?"

"Hunter asked me out," I said, the blush reforming on my face.

"And what did you say?" She said with a smug smile on her face. My blush deepened.

"I said yes."

Hunter's POV:

I jogged to the game room with a stupid grin on my face. When I entered, Sterling and Will paused their game and turned to me. "Well?" Sterling asked. "What did she say?" I danced my way to a bean bag and sighed, flopping down onto the seat. Sterling and Will both turned around to face me and smirked when they saw my expression. "I'm assuming she said yes?" Will asked, putting his controller down to the side.

"Of course you dimwit," Sterling said, smacking the back of his head. "This is my sister we're talking about." Will put his hands up in surrender and turned to face me again.

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