Chapter 4 - We're going back

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It was the end of the last day of school, and the beginning of the first day of summer. As I walked home, I couldn't help but remember my last day of school in Tennessee with Hunter.

We walked to the bus station together that day, chatting about our summer plans. It was when I returned home, still on the phone with Hunter from the bus, I found out we were moving to Russia.

What I didn't know was that on the last day of school, 6 years later, I would find the exact same thing.

Our house was packed into cardboard boxes and there were strangers running around, packing everything they saw. You could hear tape ripping as the movers sealed the boxes. The smell of paper hung in the atmosphere, clinging to the air, tormenting us with its hateful smell. The smell of moving.

"Oh, Hi hun." My parents greeted me, sweat showing through their t-shirts. "We were going to wait until your brother got home, but since you're here.." she paused sounding nervous, so my dad continued.

"We're going back to Tennessee!" He chuckled nervously, afraid of how I would react. And trust me, they had a right to be scared.

"WHAT!" I screamed, steam practically flowing out of my ears. Everyone stopped moving. "We can't go back! We-we-we-we just can't!" I yelled in frustration, and stormed out angrily to my room.

We absolutely CAN'T be going back! I thought to myself. I had been in my room for more than an hour with a book in my hands, but I wouldn't read it. Correction, I was too busy thinking about what or who would be back where we left 6 years ago to be able to read it.


The next morning, we left for the airport and I was so glad. I never really liked Russia; the only good thing about it was the ballet, but even that was completely different. I wasn't exactly excited to be moving back to Tennessee either, though. Would Hunter still be there? Has he gotten a girlfriend? Does he still have my letter, or did he burn it? My overdramatic mind had a thousand questions stampeding through it, and we finally pulled up to our old house in Tennessee.

What do you think?

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