Chapter 31 - The Final Dance

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The final chapter of the story, but not to worry! There'll be an epilogue and a bonus chapter for you. ^Chloe and Will's dance

Chloe's POV:

Will and I walked on stage with a newly found purpose I didn't know I still had in me. The audience cheered and I put on my performance smile for everyone to see. I spotted my dad in the crowd and shot him a smile, but he knew me too well and realized that my smile was fake. I gave him a look that said 'I'll tell you about it later'. The music started and we danced.

We danced to a male version of the song 'Unconditionally' by Katy Perry. If I was going to be honest, the routine fit our situation perfectly. I ran my hands over his chest and tingles erupted in my body. I don't love him, I told myself. We went for a lift and I heard him say something. "I'm sorry," He said. My heart fluttered, but I needed to convince myself that he was lying. "I'm sorry," He said again. We continued through the dance, and he kept saying he was sorry. I don't love him, I told myself. But that was a lie. I did love him. As the dance came to an end, he said something that I knew I could never say I didn't believe, if only for a second. We took our final positions and he whispered, "I love you."

We took our bows and I stared at him. Then, without thinking, I leaned in and pecked his cheek. "I love you too." I said. And with that, I ran off the stage, tears threatening to spill down my face.

Saffron's POV:

I thought everything was going pretty well, I mean, she kissed his cheek. But when Chloe came running off of the stage, I knew something happened that might have just ended her relationship with Will. I sighed and ran after her to our dressing room. "Tell me what happened," I said, wiping away some running mascara. "And while you do, I'll be redoing your makeup; you don't wanna look like this in front of your dad and Marianela, right?" She gave me a ghost of a smile and I reapplied her makeup. She didn't say anything, but that was okay, I understood. Then, I was called to the stage, so I gave Chloe one last bear hug and ran to the stage.

I met Hunter at the wings and we rushed on stage, taking our starting positions in the spotlight as Ms Valencia announced our duet as 'the most professional'. I rolled my eyes lightly and put on my performance smile as the music started. The song 'Take me home' by Us the Duo started playing and we flowed with the lyrics, pouring our hearts out. The story was about the two of us, best friends, in love on prom night. I walked toward Hunter, pulling him up and supporting him through the first few moves. He lifted me up in the air, and we fell, rolling around, as the choreography instructed. We danced in sync, giving in all of our passion. As we danced, I felt another emotion fall out of my heart. It was a mixture of adoration, and passion, a bit of soul and heart. It was love.

As the dance came to the final end, Hunter pulled me in for the kiss. I was flush against his chest, and he ever so gently placed his lips on mine to end the routine. The audience broke into cheers and I hid my face from the audience, not wanting anyone to see my blush. He chuckled and we took our bows, running off the stage immediately after. It was love, I could feel it.

The end.

short but sweet, and there's more to come, so I won't go all sappy for finishing this story. yet.

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