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Class was suspended for a week due to the incident happened 2 days ago..

All of us weren't allowed to come at school and headed back to our homes/kingdom.

But I was with Taeyoon at the Pavara.

"I wonder what will be the next move of Nemes.."Taeyoon spoke.

"It really caught me off guard..I almost died at that day thanks to Kalypso i'm still here.."I sighted.

"You shouldn't have done that!..You almost brought Kalypso to death!"He scolded me.

"Yeah,whatever..I know my mistakes and i'm thankful she saved me."I said.

"How will the school react and change after this week end..Is it going to be normal just like the other days or it would change and will be secured properly as what King Poseidon asked."He said.

"Kalypso's father is very strict when it comes to her family especially to her daughter..Kalypso is the only one child to him and will be the next ruler to conquer his throne and kingdom.."I said.

"How did you know that?"He asked.

"Kalypso and I we're childhood friends..Both of us more like a sibling to each other since the both of us are only one child.."I said.

"I see..Celu has other two male siblings and Amar has a big brother."He said and I nod.

"I wonder what will be the movements and actions that every elemental rulers will make because of that incident happened.."I said.

"Tyche was really right after all..He already showed and explain to us about the forbidden cave of their tribe that it was true after all..No one will cover it up neither leader tribes or rulers..Everyone will doubt about that incident."He said.

"I wonder how are the others.."He sighted.

"They'll be fine..But what make me more worried about the movements and actions of each ruler was the Air Kingdom..They still cannot find their daughter."I said.

"Hey..Do you remember about the pendant that describe at the book about the Air Kingdom's legacy?"He asked and I nod.


I was with my family at the meeting area together with the other rulers of each kingdom and tribe.

"Where is Aster?"Dad asked.

"He's not feeling well..My apologies."King Ares (Fire King) said.

"Well then..We are completed for each kingdom rulers and future rulers except for Aster and Air Kingdom's still lost daughter."Mother said and we all nod.

We discussed about the incident happened 2 days ago of how we should make more security of the school and each elemental warrior's safety and will have a move plan for the next upcoming attack of Nemes which is Marcus right hand.

'Tyche was right after all..'

Even The professors and the headmistress was with us to discuss everything the plan,security and will have an activity for each elemental warriors and they decided to make the 2nd year and 3rd year graduated immedeatly and will have each mission either if you choose to be solo or with a group.

"Which all we know that your daughter and the others can bare with the mission that will be given to the headmistress and other that will asked them for exchange of money and reputation."Queen Gaia said.

"I demand to refuse about my daughter!"Dad shouted.

"Dad it's not your decision it's up to me."I said.

"B-But Kalypso!..You're the only daughter we have and will the only ruler to conquer my throne and kingdom even my trident you already have."He said and I faced him.

"Dad i'm no longer a kid..Why am I even gonna be called a ruler in the future because I always not gonna fight and protect the others..Dad I wanted to be a ruler that can save everyone 'til the end."I said and dad sighted.

"Kalypso is right dear..I can see she has potential to join and be with her friends with a mission after all they're many they are 8."Mom said.

"F-Fine...If what you makes you happy my daughter."Dad said and I smiled.

"Then it's settled..But still we have to help the Air Kingdom to find their lost daughter."Queen Minerva (Fire Queen) said.

And the meeting then ended.

"Finally it's ended.."Alex sighted.

"It's kind of a sudden don't you think,Kalypso?..Us 2nd year will be graduated immedeatly and will have a mission together with our friends.."Celu said.

"Well for us 3rd years it will not be surprising and so sudden..So the both of you are going into a group?"Axel asked and we both nod.

"I see..Me too..I'm going with my friends..After all having friends with your side on a mission makes more enjoyable."With that he left.

"So..Are we going to contact them up about this?"Celu asked and I nod.

"Let's all meet up at the Pavara immedeatly."With that we both started to contact them using our communication belt.

Communication belt is an item for everyone that they can buy at the market

And then we went to the Pavara to meet up.

"What's all about?"Tyche asked.

"Since Aster wasn't there Celu will be the one to explain."I said and she nods.

"Our professors and headmistress even all of the leader and kingdom rulers decided that both 2nd and 3rd year will be graduated immedeatly and will send into missions either solo or with group."She said and they were all shocked.

"Are you kidding me?!"Tyche said.

"Sending us without a proper training?!"Rhea said.

"I think it will be dangerous for all of us since our enemies are stronger than us..We all know that we cannot somehow control our elements.."Magnaia said and we all nod in agreement.

"I know someone!..But I don't if he agrees to train us."Tyche said.

"Who is it?"Celu asked.


"Damn day again.."

I crawl out of the futon and folded up and headed to the other room to to prepare a soup to cook from the furnace..

"Gonna cook to many in case if i'll get more hungry."

"Oh!..I'm sensing some visitors about 8 persons!"

I dashed back to the room to change my clothes into fine one and went outside.

"Good morning Mr.Darion!..It's me!"

"Oh it's you!..That damn eletric kid! you electrified the bear so I can cook it!"I exclaimed.

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