Chapter 1

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I pretend to throw a left punch to his side but instead do it to the right he falls hitting his back on the floor. I break one of his legs and now he's screaming in pain. "Tap out before I break the other" he taps out and just like that I won not like I expected to lose. I'm sweating like crazy with my mask and signature jacket on. I don't need anybody to recognize me so it's mandatory for me to wear a mask and my signature jacket. I collect my money as I hear the crowd cheering for me. "BLACK SHADOW, BLACK SHADOW, BLACK SHADOW."  "That was sick Audrina oops forgot I can't say your real name out in public, sorry" Amanda says. "It's fine just don't do it again, if they find my identity death would call nonstop but I would still decline like the bad bitch I am". "Hop on" I tell Amanda while I turn on the engine of my Yamaha VMax Gen 2 motorcycle.

 "Hop on" I tell Amanda while I turn on the engine of my Yamaha VMax Gen 2 motorcycle

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I drop her off at her parents house then I go to my house. I toss the keys on the kitchen counter while I head upstairs and hack into my new school. I'm going to hack into my new school so I can memorize the hallways and classes. Let me introduce myself, I'm 17, favorite color is black and red, outside of underground fighting I try to keep a low profile, I'm obsessed with cars/motorcycles I have at least 10 and I live alone because my parents were murdered and it's all my fault. Looks like there is a school slut named tiffany at this school (I have a feeling I'm not going to like her). The only good thing going to this school is I will be less suspicious and I get to spend more time with Amanda. And just great I go in two days (sarcasm).

RING RING RING, I hear my stupid alarm ringing. It's 6:47 am way too early for my liking but whatever. Since I'm trying to keep a low profile I'll try to wear something I'll go by unnoticed more. Black BINGO, black will definitely give me no attention. I throw on some black jeans, black shirt and a leather jacket so no one recognizes my tattoos.

Shit it's already 8:00 am

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Shit it's already 8:00 am.
Audrina: are your parents driving you to the new school?
Amanda: ye they are so no need to pick me up.
Audrina: THANK GOD because I'm already running late. See you at school!
Amanda: bye see you.

I get to school and head to the office to get my schedule and first class is math, Ms kelly. I rush to her class and open the door in a dramatic way. Everyone looks at me and some already envy me. Like wtf did I do to y'all. "Why are you late" "I'm the new student Einstein" everyone bursts out laughing and then she tells me to introduce myself. "My name is Audrina, I love the color black and red, I'm pretty smart, I'm 17 , I live alone and that's pretty much it" "Oh ye and Im an underground fighter" Jk i didn't say that part. I sit in the back where the bad boy is sitting, just what I needed. (Note the sarcasm). "Hey you, whatever your name is actually your name is going to be nerd! Your ugly and stop sitting next to my boyfriend before I punch you" school slut screams. I'd like to see her try to punch me. "Look here you plastic Barbie bitch, I don't know who you think you are with your stuffed tits and your fake ass lips." Everyone try's to keep there laugh in. "Oh really who are you to say anything, come on girls let's get out of here." Looks like someone got there feelings hurt.

*Fast Forward Lunch*

It's finally lunch time and I go to my locker just to see Amanda right in-front of me. "BOO" she screams but I don't get scared that easily. I grab my money so does Amanda and we head to the lunch room and sit on a table where no one sits or that's what I thought. "Get off of my table" The bad boy says and his friends following. "I don't see your name on it" I say back and everyone is shocked as no one tried to ever speak back at him. "Look here new girl I don't think you know who I am. Well I don't give a fuck who you are I'm sitting in this table weather you like it or not" "you know what I like you, you're the first person who had the balls to stand up to me." He says. Great now the bad boy and his friends are sitting on the table Amanda and I are at. "So do you guys wanna introduce yourselves, I'll go first, I'm Amanda I love blue and purple, I don't trust people quickly and I'm 17 just a little younger than Audrina. "I already introduced myself" I say. "I'm Aiden (bad boy), 18, favorite color is black, I love cars, and I love undergr.... I meant I love nature." What was he gonna say, he's definitely hiding something I whisper to myself . "I'm Jack, I love sports ,I'm 17 and my favorite color is blue." "I'm Liam, I'm 17 turning 18 in three months, I also love sports and my favorite color is grey".

We talked for around an hour before we had to get back to class. We have Spanish class, I really don't need it since I'm fluent in Spanish. I go to Spanish class and remember that I have training at 1:50 pm. It's 1:30 pm so I head out and I tell the teacher in fluent Spanish, Sra Valeria, necesito ir a algún lugar donde ya lo sé todo, así que no se preocupe por eso, pero debería preocuparse por esa puta de plástico falsa, Tiffany, adiós. (Ms. Valeria, I need to go to somewhere I already know everything, so don't worry about that, but you should worry about that fake plastic whore, Tiffany, bye.)

Sorry this chapter is short, I will make them longer overtime hope you guys like it! Can I get one comment?!

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