「Sᴄᴘ 035」

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「Request by ➺ Nobody」

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「Request by ➺ Nobody」

⇢ oneshot

⇢From; Scp Foundation

⇢ written/Edit by MAMA B.

⇢ Reader; She/Her

⇢Numbers of the day; 1049

Murder, threats towards reader, pervert 035, spicy-ish

Murder, threats towards reader, pervert 035, spicy-ish

Ups! Gambar ini tidak mengikuti Pedoman Konten kami. Untuk melanjutkan publikasi, hapuslah gambar ini atau unggah gambar lain.

Y/N pov

Finally made it to Scp-035 cell but his cell wasn't that far, it took 5 minutes. I grab my keycard that was around my neck to unlock the cell as it started to open, I walk in as the door slammed  shut behind me.

I look around to only see an tablet, one of the male d-class and an mask? I walk and sat on the other side of the table as I sat the papers down.

"D-class 0303, please put on Scp-035" the other scientists said though the speaker, the d-class put on the mask so-called Scp-035, he started to shake before stopping, froze, back was facing me. There was silence for a minute.

And now the d-class- well now I can say Scp-035 turn around looking at me "well hello there, darling" he said in the sinister tone as he sat down "what brings a beauy human as yourself to visit little old me today" he said place his hand under his chin.

I feel a bit weird out by the way he's talking to me like that "well I'm here to interview you today Scp-035, if that's fine" I said grabbing my paper as I notice he was staring at me a little too much.

"there's no problem, dear! I'm fine with that and that's your here everything is ok" he said "so let's get this thing started!" He said clappin, nodded my head as I started to tell him questions as he answered.

This went for an half hour, before I was finishing the last question the scientists told me to come out "well our time is up Scp-035, it was great meeting you" I said getting up pushing the chair in collecting the papers, walking towards the cell door.

Before I went there I felt someone grabbing my arm as I was forced to turned around and surprisingly being held by the scp "aww, I don't want you to go just yet little lady, I want you to stay here with me... for a little bit" he said the last part darkly which causes me to struggle out of his arms but he's too strong.

"Scp-035 let go of Dr. Y/L this instant-" "don't you dare give me damn commands! She's mine, if one of you touch her. I swear, I'm ripping somebody head right clean off there body!!" He yelled with rage in his tone as he held me in a tight grip.

I can tell behind the glass where the scientists were was freaking out as the cell door open leading guards coming in with their guns aiming at the Scp "Scp-035 let's go of Dr. Y/L now or we won't hesitate to shoot" "oh but if you shoot me you shoot her as well so be careful" he say in a dark tone before letting out a chuckle.

I was beyond scared for my life right now I just stood there shakin, I feel his breath on my neck "don't you worry, I will get rid of these nasty humans but if you try to do something stupid. . .I won't hesitate to punish you~❤︎"

After he said that I felt him pushing me caused myself to fall on my butt looking seeing him walking towards to the guards as they start shooting him but nothing happened, as I realize now that he has a knife. In horror, I see him slicing every guard that was in his way, killing them, leaving blood stains on him, on the floor and walls. There was screams of agony and pain as the guard slowly fall down as they was only corpse now.

As I look up at the window I didn't see anybody up there 'you mother fuckers!' my thoughts was cut off by someone grabbing my hips making me stand up on my two feet "well that was surprisingly happened huh? Nobody's here, they left you, leave you to die by my only hands, dear" he whispered to my ear.

I was downright scared for my life, nobody here to save my ass. . .I'm alone with this SCP.

As I feel his hand grab the bottom of my dress causing me to gasp and blushes "w-what do you think you doing?!" "touching was rightfully he mine now" he said leaning his face close to mine "I want to feel you. . . to love you like nobody else did" as he said that i feel his lip- we'll his mask lips on mine, gripping my hips causing me to gasp once more.

This give him the opportunity to slide his slimy like tongue inside my mouth causing me to moan in the kiss, feeling his tongue with mine was a different whole level of kissing that I never had before. Just last long for a few minutes before he pull away grinning proudly "so you like that huh, I can give you more if you want" he giggles like a kid while I was trying to catch my breath.

He move down to my neck leaving kisses and bite marks "these lovely bite marks will tell others that you are mine which making sure they won't take you away from me" he said move in up to my face looking at me in my e/c eyes.

"understand that you're mine nobody else's, got it" he said look at me did straight in my eyes, as I nodded my head a yes "good" he say picking me up in a bride style.

"what are you gonna to do with me, what is we about to go?" I ask him as he walked towards the door, into the hallway "we're going to leave darling! You can see, every SCP is out of the cell and nobody around to stop it, because they're dead. you're mine dear, and you better remember that too" he said before laughing like a maniac walking down the empty halls with dead corpse around us of either the guards or scientists.

MAMA B. sighing out

➺「L♡ʋҽ S✘ƈƙ」(on hold) Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang