"Asher." He finally looked me in the eyes and they were just as bright and green as mine. Or they would've been, if one wasn't practically swollen shut. He caught me staring and shot his head back down, "I'm sorry."

I was shocked. Who the fuck could whittle away at a person this much? "Your eyes, they're the same as mine. See?" I tried to use the same type of thing I would use on children with a physically abusive parents.

It worked as he did look me in the eyes. I was so angry, "My eyes aren't nearly as pretty as yours," he smiled sincerely, "sorry if this is weird, but you're looks are everything I wish I had."

I blushed a little, "T-thank you. I hope this isn't too straight forward, but what happened to your eye?" I asked.

"I didn't dye my hair in time," he placed a few strands between his fingers and stared in absolute hatred, "my roots were showing. He doesn't like it when my hair is dark. He thinks the bright colors are better for me. He's right of course."

"Who?" I asked.

The door to Mikaela's office slammed open, "Him." The couch was shaking with how much he was trembling, yet he still looked kind of happy to see him. It was so fucked up.

"Raymond Jamison Kendall, get your ass back in here right this instant! We are not done talking! I'm not going to let you do that to him, what the hell is your problem?!" Mikaela came chasing after the dark haired man who had just stormed out.

"Why don't you fuck off, Mikaela?! He's not your problem! I'm just making sure he knows!" The sicko defended.

The dark haired man stormed over to the couch and the urge I felt to rip his throat out was so immeasurable, "Ash, get up." He said demandingly. Asher was getting up the best he could with how hard he was shaking when the man grabbed him by the wrist and pulled him up, Asher yelped in pain and I felt a piece of me curl up and die, "I said get up!"

"I'm sorry." Asher apologized, staring down at the floor.

"Who are you?" He snarled at me.

I looked up to see rage filled eyes, a green and a blue, overall he appeared 'calm' but he had a look of anger I don't think anyone could match, "Yuichiro Hiragi." I had to bite the inside of my cheek to stop from shouting.

"Well," he smirked, "aren't you a beauty? Your eyes are just like my Asher's. Although, you pull it off much better," he grabbed Asher's chin and forced him to stare into his eyes, "if only you could be like that," he roughly moved his head to face me as well, "look at him. Now that's high class, a Hiragi. If only you could try harder, maybe then you wouldn't make me so mad."

"I know. You're right. I need to try...more." He said.

I looked over to Mikaela in complete horror, I was begging him to make it stop and I hoped to god he could sense it. This hurt me so much and I just wanted it to stop. I felt a connection to Asher even after just the few words we spoke and watching Ray hurt him like this was unbearable, "Mikaela." I mouthed to try and get him to get the message.

"Ray, you are to leave Asher in my care for the next 4 weeks. I will talk to him, as will our new therapist," he motioned to me, "then I will consider letting you see him. If I ever see another bruise on him again, I will knock your teeth out and have you thrown in jail so fast your head will spin. I can not believe you would  do such a thing and I'm angered at myself for not noticing sooner."

"He isn't yours, Mikaela." Ray growled.

"He's not yours either. Ray, you do not have a choice. You may have a very well polished mask in public, but mine is better." Mikaela hissed.

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