unconditionally: echo

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-small acts of love are louder than words

You only met Echo a few months ago, but it was as if you had known him since childhood. He was on the quieter side, maybe even a bit shy, but like his twin Fives, had that spark of energy you only ever saw in ARCs.

Echo knew how to make you laugh, and you in turn knew what type of candies he liked best.

"Here, I got these while on Naboo just for you. Make sure you share with Fives, I know he'll be jealous if you don't."

"Thank you, (Y/n). I..."

"Oh no, I've got to get back to work. I'll see you soon?"

"Y-yeah! Thank you."

You could tell him apart from his brothers just by the way he walked, and he could tell you apart from your coworkers by the way you had your hair pinned.


You turned around, meeting Echo's brught eyes with a grin. "Echo!" You tackled him in a hug, completely ignoring the solid plastoid of his armour. His cheeks were covered in soot with red dusting the tip of his nose. "I missed you cyar'ika." he quietly admitted. You wrapped your arms around his neck, ever so thankful that the hallway was empty. "I missed you too Echo. How did you know it was me? Most people can't tell because of the clothes."

"Your hair." he blurted, cheeks darkening with red. "The way you do your hair is different."

When he saw you, he personally went out of his way to step in front of Fives and say 'after you'. Sometimes he brought you cool rocks from his latest expedition, and on days you weren't your best, he brought you tea or caf when he was around.

In turn, you greeted him after he returned from every mission, always discreetly looking him up and down for injuries. If he ever hid one, you would take him by the arm and send him straight to the medbay.

"You're hurt." You frowned, gently placing a hand on Echo's cheek. He leaned into your touch and closed his eyes as if to forget his latest mission. "I'm--I'm okay."

"No, you're not." Distress leaked into your voice, and it cut Echo deeper than any wound. "Come on, let's get you to the medbay."

Soon, weeks turned into months, and months into half a year. The war continued to rage on, and it was then that you realised that you or Echo or anyone you knew could die today, or any day really.

There was no guarantee Echo would come back safe to you like always, with that bright, kind smile on his lips you always loved. There was no promise of the hugs you shared and the short, sweet kisses like breezes on a warm summer day.

"Echo," your voice came out soft. Even though you were in your quarters, you were scared someone would hear. It was forbidden for clones to have relationships--treason even. But how could you help it? Echo was your sunshine, the first flake of snow at the start of the holiday season. He made you laugh, he made you feel things, he made you happy.

You wouldn't trade him for the whole galaxy. But what if he was taken away from you? What if you were taken away from him?

Echo took your hand in his, pulling you close to his chest as you both laid on your bed in quiet. "Cyar'ika," his voice was soft too, "ni kar'tayl darasuum--I love you. And because I love you, I'll do my best to come back to you." Usually, Echo wouldn't be so direct with his words. He preferred to show he loved you through actions.

You cupped his face, searching his eyes for a something you didn't know you could find. Your foreheads connected, and you stayed like that. "I'll do my best to stay alive too because I love you. I love you unconditionally."

You planted your lips on his.

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