padawan pt. 2: anakin

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-i thought I posted pt 2 but i didn't
-i'm so sorry guys what a fool i've been

(Y/n) could have been deaf for all she knew. The shouting, the explosions, and the crying were practically nonexistent to her. Limp bodies and scraps of metal landed by her side, but it could have been as if they hadn’t even moved. Her head pounded, her clammy hands shook, and her knees wobbled under her. Her fingers went limp and her saber fell to her feet. It was then that (Y/n) realised her only desire: to sleep.


Commander, she thought. I'm a commander in the battlefield

(Y/n) staggered into a fighting stance, but her body felt so, so heavy that she collapsed to her knees. Stars, why couldn’t she stand?

“Man down! We need a medic!”

(Y/n) didn't quite process what that meant. Man down? Medic? What was that? Was the guy even speaking Basic? Someone knelt by her side and hastily lifted her shirt. (Y/n) would have protested, but her limbs refused to move. 

Stay awake!”

Who was that? Through the haze her vision provided, (Y/n) made out the blurry face of Anakin Skywalker, her Master. He may have wrapped something around her torso or slapped her--whichever, (Y/n) couldn't tell. All feeling disappeared, and whatever logic she could conjure faded into questions. Her eyes fluttered closed. 

That didn't sit well with Anakin.

"Would you listen to me and stay awake?!" His yodelling and yapping made (Y/n)'s head spin. "Dammit, where the kriff is Kix?" (Y/n) lazily blinked. She wanted to sleep, but she couldn’t. What if Anakin got angry with her? What would he do then? 

"Kix!" he shouted. "Kix...ill...e...ight?"

(Y/n) closed her eyes.


She couldn't fight the darkness. It reeled her in, coaxed her into its comforting arms.

"No! Wa...up!"

(Y/n) fell asleep.

Running. That was the first thing she started with. Her legs moved at incredible speeds, pushing her deeper and deeper into the dark, misty forest. Dried leaves crunched under her as she trampled over patches of grass and over tree roots. She knew running would be in vain, but she was scared. Scared of seeing her again, scared of facing what she’s seen and experienced. 

"Dear, why must you continue running?"

(Y/n) couldn't breathe. The forest closed in on her. It came loser and closer until it boxed her in a thick layer of vegetation. There was nowhere to run and nowhere to hide as she trembled like the leaves above her. "L-leave me alone!" The leaves to her left began to sway on the tree branches. (Y/n) pulled her guard up and kept a trained eye on the vegetation.

"Are you not Mandalorian?" the voice teased. "Where is that will to fight? All you are is a coward!" (Y/n)'s hand slid to her belt. Her fingers closed around the area where her lightsaber should have been, only to be met with air.

"You’re useless without your lightsaber." The voice let out a high-pitched cackle. "At times like this, one begins to realise that physical pain can only hurt so much." (Y/n) wildly spun in a circle. Her heart slammed against her chest at an irrational rhythm as she blindly squinted at nothing but green brush. “Show--show yourself!” she shouted.

A sudden movement caught her eye and (Y/n) sharply turned to the left. Instead of a tree, a tall, shadow-like woman leapt out from the brush.

"Leave me alone!"

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