In the Cold Rain: (Platonic) C-3PO

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-requested by mads writing account
-not sure if this is supposed to be romantic or not so ima make it vague

Droids were weird. How could they have feelings when they were just buckets of bolts? They could be reprogrammed at any moment, wiped of their memories, or thrown into the disposals to be melted down as weapons. You couldn't say you respected droids. They were always weird. But then, well, you met him.

C-3PO was a protocol droid just like any other one there was. He chatted a lot, and you couldn't say it was pleasant. It was like nails on a chalkboard, or microphones that went haywire. How could you become friends with someone like him? It was a wonder how Anakin put up with him for so long, much less Padme, who actually owned the droid to begin with.

"Oh my, what do you think you're doing out here alone?"

You shuffled on the front stairs, a dim frown falling upon your lips. What was he doing here? He was supposed to be with Padme, or Anakin, or anyone but you. "I'm sitting here, what does it look like?" you replied. 3PO stared you down with those round eyes of his. If he could frown, then you were sure he would. "Oh," he said. "I see."

A silence passed that you didn't like. Then 3PO decided it was 'best' to talk again. "In the rain?" You shifted on the steps and turned your back to him. He didn't move. "I like the rain." That was a lie. You hated how cold you were and how dark the skies had gotten. Why couldn't it be sunny and warm? This was Naboo after all.

"Even if you do like the rain," he said, "I suggest you go inside. It is likely you will catch a cold, and that will only cause issues for yourself in the future." He was trying to smooth talk you with pretty words. That was all there was to it. You huffed and a bit of rain went flying out of your face. The cloak around your shoulders did little to keep you dry. Maybe a rain coat would have been better.

It was quiet, save for the rain and the fading steps of 3PO. Good, you thought. Not like you needed the company anyway. You were alone for a while, but just before you could call the coast clear, a familiar shiny tin can reappeared. He made his way down the steps. "I thought you might be needing this."

You turned to look up at him. He held out an umbrella. This morning, you were looking for it, but it went missing and you gave up on the old thing. "Where did you find this?" 3PO pointed to inside. "Artoo informed me of your missing umbrella. I took it upon myself to look for it." You accepted the umbrella and opened it. The rain parted, falling over the sides in little clear rivers.

"I...thank you."

"Of course."

3PO disappeared inside again. You looked over your shoulder in search of him, but he didn't come out for several minutes. Five. Six. Eight. Ten. Then he did, with a cup in hand. "You looked cold." he said. "I asked Senator Amidala what I should do and she gave me this." He made his way down the steps once again and handed you the steaming cup of (favourite drink).

You took a long sip. The warmth it provided you helped cease the shivers running down your spine. You fiddled with the umbrella, balancing it in one hand and the hot cup in the other.

"Allow me," 3PO said. He took the umbrella. You watched as he inched closer, holding it right above your head for you. "Now you may have your drink in peace." You took a sip of it, focusing on the warm feeling it provided you. "Thank you, 3PO."

"Of course. Anything for you (Y/n)."

Droids were weird. But they still have feelings under all those wires and bolts. It didn't matter that they were tin cans, or pieces of metal some abused. You wouldn't say you liked them all. As for 3PO, he could stay. After all, this cold day in the rain wasn't so bad after all.

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