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V- Do you really have feelings for me still?

Your Pov✨

When Vallyk asked that question....I was lost for words but I do still have feelings for him..

V- Well do you?*Looks at you*

Y- I- Oh look we here*quickly points to a building*

V- May-*grabs your wrist as you get up*

Confession Room:
I had to change the subject and get out of the question bc I had to. It felt like a whole bunch of pressure and tension on me. Don't get me wrong I still like Vallyk but I can't just tell him like that you know.
End of Confession Room

I crossed over Vallyk and I was abt to walk when Vallyk grabbed my wrist.
💭Omg why is he making this so hard💭

Y- I'm sorry Vallyk but I- I gotta get off the bus*removes Vallyk hand of your wrist and start walking*

✨ Vallyk Pov ✨

She just got off the bus. I'm not gone lie My feelings are hurt but I can't do nun abt it.

After the girls got off the bus, us boys went. We walked up to this woman and she had all of our passes on her arms. We all got our passes and we had a couple of mins before the influencers went inside.

I was with the boys and we was all talking but I had my mind on Something else. I see May and the girls talking and laughing and I really needed to talk to may so I went over there to her.

✨Your pov(may)✨

Me and the girls were just Laughing and jiving on each other as usual when Anne said...

Anne- May girl don't be nervous but lightskin at 6:00

💭"Lightskin at 6:00"? Tf is she on? I think she doing drugs💭

Y- Girl Wym-*cut off by someone tapping you*

I turned around and saw Vallyk. I think I know what Anne ment when she said "Lightskin at 6:00".

Y- Yes Vallyk

V- Can we talk?

Y- Yea

V- Alone?*looks at the girls*

Barbie- Damn okay we going
*They all leave*

Y- so what was so important that we had to talk alon*cut off by Vallyk smashing his lips into yours*

💭Omg Yesss my prayer came true! Wait no! It felt so good and true and- NO NO NO NO NO.....Omg No💭

*You pull away*

Y- Vallyk- I-

V- May I still have feelings for you and I been had feelings for you since we broke up and I know I messed up multiple times but I changed I promise. When me and Amber got together I felt like That hole in my heart was hole again but then I realized it wasn't the same without you. May I need you in my life I really do. And I fucking love you so much. You made me who I am today. I need you may*starts shedding Tears*I really do*starts crying but not that much*

Løvë&Dëmöns[VallykPena]Where stories live. Discover now