Chapter 57

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Sunday | 2:34 am | omniscient

Everyone was asleep except for May. She couldn't sleep. Everything was running around her mind. After she came from the hospital, vallyk didn't speak to her at all. She even bought him food but he still didn't speak.

Without her brother she felt...incomplete. Vallyk was sleeping on the floor, while she was in the bed.

Thinking about her brother....a tear slowly fell. With that...she drifted off to sleep.

Sunday | 9:11 am | omniscient

Everyone was up besides May. Everyone was in the living room doing there own thing. Vallyk was still filled with questions. Zyriana was still grieving.

Vallyk walked to the couch where everyone else was. He sat down and let out a loud sigh.

Vallyk "why did she keep it a secret"

April "bc she just found out yesterday and she wanted to tell the boys wen she was ready"

Laii "Yea...."

Vallyk "So I've been to hard on her?"

Derek "Yea"

Vallyk got up and went upstairs to the spare bedroom.

*T I M E S K I P*

Vallyk was laying in the room scrolling on Tiktok when he got an idea. He got up and went to him and May room. He opened the closet and took out a camera and a ring light.

"Wassup youtubeeeee. It's ya boi vallyk and today I have something amazing planned. So by the title you can see that I'm about to prank my pregnant girlfriend telling her to have an abortion. I haven't been talking to her like that so I don't think she will see this coming. Right now she's at the store with April and Zyriana getting decorations for the Funeral. So let's set this camera up cause she might be on her way back"

*after set up*

"Okay so ima jus be sitting here on the bed waiting for her to come home. Ima start it off smooth then ease into it and say I think you should have an abortion and stuff like that. Wait.....she's here"

*May walks in*

May "shit you scared me"
*goes to change into something comfortable*

Vallyk "y'all got the decorations for Mikes Funeral"

May "yea"
*walks out the bathroom*

Vallyk "wat color"

May "don't know yet...we just bought an ass of decorations"
*walks over to bed and sits down*

Vallyk "oh...umm I needa talk to yu"

May "Wassup"

Vallyk "don't get mad at me for sayin this okay"

May "okay"

Vallyk "Well ithinkyoushouldhaveanabortion"

May "you think I should have a wat"

Vallyk "abortion"

May "Vallyk are yu serious right now- are yu fuckin serious"
*stands up infront of vallyk*

Vallyk "yu said yu wasn't gonna get mad"

May "I say a lot of shit but that doesn't mean yu should believe me"

Vallyk "well I think you should have an rmb wat happened to wanna go through that again"

May "Fuck wat yu talkin bout cause ima have this child"

Vallyk "I said have an want the same thing that happened to culture happen to this one"

May "Vallyk I have a feeling that this one is gonna be normal"

Vallyk "Okay I'm sorry"

Vallyk "I wasn't asking you if you wanted to have an abortion I was telling you to have an abortion"

May "What the actual fuck Vallyk"

Vallyk "You having a baby right after Mike jus died..that's disrespectful.."
*May Face '😨'*

Vallyk "wait..."

May "nahh....I'm having this child idc"
*May walks out the room with tears on her face*

*derek, zyriana, April, Nayah, and Laii walk into the room*

Vallyk "What"

Nayah "you really tellin this girl to have an abortion like that shit not cool at all"

Vallyk "Do she want that one to end up like culture"

Laii "but that's jus disrespectful for you to tell her to get an abortion"

Vallyk "nahhh that's her Bein disrespectful for havin a baby after mike jus died"

Zyriana "you don't have one right to use his name in a sentence like that tf wrong witchu"

Derek "Vallyk I think you need to chill tf out for real dude"

April "Tellin my sister to have an abortion right after our brother jus died then sayin it's disrespectful for her to have a baby after his death is fucked up my nigga"

Vallyk "I got sum to tell all of y'all"....


Everything goes black.....

T B C 🥺....

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