twenty - january

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Wide eyed and up all night. This could be good but I don't want to shy away I hear them say "Romance is dead" and I don't need this modern love

It was half two when Abi finally awoke, blinking at the ceiling and grunting to herself. Her stomach gurgled and head throbbed, an arm reaching out to touch the cold sheets beside her. Her brow furrowed and she sat up, rubbing her eyes and then getting her glasses from the nightstand, slipping them on and then rolling her shoulders. She was sore, and her skin felt gross under her make up. She was in her dress still, it creased and painful around her boobs. She wondered if George had any spare clothes with him, but then last nights events came back to her.

Oh shit.

She laid back down and covered her face with her hands, groaning to herself before staring up at the ceiling. She supposed she had to get up and confront the situation she had found herself in.

Slowly, she got out of bed and went to the door. She wandered out into the hallway and poked her head into the other bedroom, Alex and Lando fast asleep under the rumpled cover. She smiled a little, then headed for the living room. She found her handbag by the front door and retrieved her phone, though found it to be out of charge. She hummed, wondering if she could sneak into the other bedroom and steal Alex's charger. She had to speak to George.

She nipped her head around the corner of the room, though couldn't see the charger anywhere. Instead of disturbing the two men, she went back to the living room and sat down on the sofa, turning on the television. She was still horrifically tired, nodding off a little as she watched the news, recapping the fireworks displays from around the world. It was a New Year, a chance for a fresh start, but she had ruined the chances of having a quiet, calm first few weeks.

"Abi," She turned her head when she heard her name, looking to the figure who stood in just a towel behind her. "I didn't wake you, did I?" Abi shook her head and sat up, moving so there was room for him on the settee.

"No, no it's okay. You didn't. Come sit," Abi said softly, giving the lad a hesitant smile. George nodded, sitting down beside her.

"Last night..." He said quietly, fiddling with the hem of his towel. "I... I don't know what I was thinking. I spoke to Seychelle because she still has stuff at mine, but she's blocked me on everything. I had no idea she was going to be there. We just chatted, I promise you I didn't kiss her. I would never do that to you. I realised what was going on, what she wanted to happen, before she should make a move or anything." He explained, eyes on his fingers as they fiddled with the towel. Abi watched on, uncomfortable yet in full knowledge that this was a conversation that they needed to have. "Your words hurt, but I needed to hear them. I am selfish, I know that. And I don't want to take it out on you. I could never want to do that. You deserve more than that. I should have thought more of you than to think you would be going off and doing whatnot with Alex. I know neither of you are like that." He continued, looking up to Abi when he realised he was rambling. He smiled shyly and placed his twitching hands in his lap.

"And I'm sorry too. I didn't mean it, I was drunk and upset and angry. I love you, George. And I didn't mean what I said about you being unable to love, I didn't mean that at all. I think last night showed me that when I saw you with someone else, when Alex and I could chat like friends, that you're the one that I do want in my life." She took his hand in hers. "But," The hopeful smile on George's face fell. "I think perhaps it shows we need time to heal," She suggested, making him furrow his brow. "You've just come out of a long relationship with someone who is clearly out to get us until she gets over her feelings for you, till you can remove her from your life as much as you wish to, and I know I have things to work through too."

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