one - a surprise encounter

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I've made my peace with what may happen, since I saw you last.

It was raining again. Whilst it was meant to be the best autumn the UK had ever had, the Oxfordshire weather simply wasn't having it. It would have been fine if Abi could have dressed in her usual branded polo and tracksuit bottom combination, hugged by the warmth of her fleeced rain jacket, but today was not a typical day at the office. Today was a day that everyone around her raved about; the day they got to meet the new season's drivers.

She had enjoyed the drinks ceremony during her first two years, always ending up a little tipsy and chuckling with her fellow engineers and the new drivers whilst they inspected the new car and celebrated their hard work. But this year? Well, it sure wasn't something she was looking forward to.

As the rain eased off, she finally got out of the car. The gravel was damp and left marks upon her suede heels as she grabbed her handbag from the back seat. She'd been as coordinated as possible, but her dress was already a terrible decision. The last few years, it had been jeans-and-a-nice-top, but she had to look her best this year. She had gone to London especially to find the perfect cute yet smart dress for the occasion. £400 later, she left Selfridges not entirely convinced of her choice.

But the difference this year? The difference was the names on the announcement email that joined their invitation to the launch party.

Subject: 2019 Launch Event
INTERNAL ONLY: Williams are pleased to announce that the drivers for the 2019 season are Robert Kubica and George Russell. Please find attached the invitation to the 2019 season launch party on the 21st September 2018, where you will have the opportunity to meet the drivers.

George Russell, a name she hadn't heard in two very long years. And it wasn't one she wanted to hear again. Sure, she knew how well he was doing in F2 and how certain he was to move up to F1 next season, but not to Williams. Everyone knew he was better than to be at the dying team that was Williams.

She headed across the gravel and into the offices, smiling at Jackie and Nick on the front desk before heading down to the workshop. Her heels were clicking, and every pair of eyes set upon her as she walked past, still damp golf umbrella in her hand as she approached the lifts.

"Good morning Abigail," Michael smiled as he brushed past. "Looking forward to the party later?" She could see his eyes checking her out.

"Will be great, I'm sure." She called, reaching out to call the lift. As great as it could be, perhaps. It would be good to go and see the car, to socialise with her coworkers, but it would be almost impossible to avoid George.

To her surprise, the lift doors opened to reveal Claire and her entourage.

"Good morning," Abi greeted with a smile, Claire giving her a silent nod and then disappearing through the pass-locked double doors. That was possibly the most contact she had had with their race manager in the two years Abi had been there. Claire was a busy woman, and it was understandable she had little time for the new kids, even as offending as it could sometimes be.

It didn't take long for her to get from the lift to staring blankly at her emails. Delete. Delete. Delete. Move folder. Delete—a common occurrence in the morning.

Subject: Tyre Performance Files
Hey Abssss, you got those tyre performance files? I've lost my copy of them again :(
Cal x

Of course, Callum had lost them; she often wondered just how the other apprentice managed to keep his job from the number of lost files or overslept mornings he had. She sent them over and headed to make her morning cup of coffee. Whilst Callum was the only friend she had at work, and he was about as useful as a chocolate teapot most of the time. But he was good company and someone to rant about the place too.

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