two - unexpected evenings

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I will never tire, I will never sleep. Driving in the night and I feel so fine.

"Welcome to the stage, your drivers for the 2019 season, George Russell and Robert Kubica." Claire announced as the two men walked onto the stage.

Abi and Callum were towards the back of the crowd, having had those more senior than themselves elbow past to catch a glimpse of their money makers for the next three years. The cloth was pulled from the car and the room erupted into excited gasps and chatter, Callum peering over the others to get a glimpse. There were some perks to him being horrifically tall; he could reach anything and see anything he wanted to.

"How's it looking?" Abi asked, nursing her second glass of wine.

"Good, and the lads are wearing suits and look amazing." He added, albeit unnecessarily. He returned to Abi's side and picked up his beer from the bar top. They quieted when Claire began talking again, Abi soon finishing her wine and placing the empty glass on the side. She was nervous; any more encounters with George and she would burst, she was sure of it. But she had siked herself up way too much to let it be catastrophic, ordering another glass of wine and adjusting the necklace that rested on her chest, the gold pendant given to her when she turned eighteen. It was a bit of a good luck charm by that point, and she knew she needed all the luck she could get.

Wine in hand, she returned to Callum, who was beginning to socialise. She tried to join in but was soon brushed off by the suited men discussing the new design's financial credibility. She didn't care about finance anyway, so instead made her way to the front of the room to inspect the car. The once silent room was now full of chatter, meaning she felt entirely comfortable doing a few slow paces of the car, admiring the finish of it and the shape of the front wing. She crouched down to take a closer look at the brakes when she was joined by another person crouching beside her.

"What do you think?" George asked, catching her off guard and almost falling over and spilling her wine all over her new dress. He laughed and reached to grab her bicep before she could fall. But she was fast to snatch her arm away.

"It looks great." She smiled, running a finger along the carbon fibre. "I suppose it's what I expected, but it looks very nice in real life." She squinted at the brake ducts and tried to work out their laminated structure.

"Well, all that hard work is paying off, I suppose," George said, standing and rolling his shoulders. Abi too stood, eyes finally looking to George. Callum was right - he looked incredible. The suit was a tight fit and extenuated the narrowness of his waist, the deep blue bringing out the colour in his eyes. His tie was a little loose, top button undone, but he looked incredible nonetheless. Damn that man and how well a suit fitted him. "Did you want a top-up?" He asked, nodding to Abi's almost empty glass of wine. "Something better than whatever they've got on tap here." He suggested, smiling at her. Abi swallowed, refusing to give in to temptation.

"I'm okay, thank you, but I'm not sure they do any more wine than whatever barrels they've got stashed away." She said, returning the smile and having a sip.

"Well, I know a good wine bar that we could pay a visit to should you ever fancy a good glass of Moscato." He added, voice as silky smooth as ever, that bastard smirk curling his lips once more. Abi's heart was thumping as she looked to her glass and then back to George.

"It's a very kind offer," She said, nervously tapping her nail against the glass. "But I'm sure this shall suit me." She gestured to the glass once again and George nodded.

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