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Guys you are not giving a good response at all

I am writing back to back parts because now I am free and very soon I will be busy

So guys do support me

So let's start

When Nandini got NO from everywhere she got really disappointed and she lose her hope too

But she decided to mail them only for one last time... But this time she have done one more thing she add + with her grade too...

So she mail them that "plz give me scholarship, if u will not give me scholarship then I will burn myself"

Well after a few days she received a mail in which they said "plz miss don't burn yourself... We will give you scholarship just of 70%... And you have to arrange other 30% by yourself... And you have to return that 70% to us too till the end of your degree... And there you also have to arrange your place to live and your food by yourself... Thank you"

She got really happy after reading it... She told all this to dadu... Dadu was also very happy...

Dadu's pov

Now when my Nandu will go from there... She will forget all her miseries... She will again started to smile, to be happy... I just want her always to be happy

Pov end

So Dadu arranged that 30% by taking debt from some of his friends... Because he knew that her father will not give that much money too

Nandu was really happy with the thought of going to Manchester only....

So 2 days before her flight... At dining table Dadu said all the family members that Nandini is going to Manchester after 2 days... First noone payed attention to it

While on the other hand Nandini was expecting that they all will be shocked... Their face will be opened just by listening this only.... But their nothing like that happened

While all the family members didn't hear Dadu at all... So Dadu repeat himself again that Nandu is going to Manchester after 2 days... Now all the family members have listened him and they all were shocked... Then we dad said

Mr Murthy: dad tell her there is no need to go to Manchester.... Waisy bhi she is not good in studies... So what's the need to go to Manchester??

Dadu: What do u mean by what's the need.... You know studies are very important in everyone's life.... And my dear child will study

Mr. Murthy: Yeah but it's the waste of time

Dadu: It's ok let it be... And waisy bhi you don't have to give her money too because I have already arranged that

Mr. Murthy: but dad what's the need by studying more is not like that k she will get a good life partner

Dadu: Education is not just important to get a good life partner

Mr. Murthy: But dad I have already talk to some people about her allegation and they want to come home to see her

Dadu: I have already arrange everything... She is going Manchester and that's final

Mr. Murthy: dad then what was the need to tell us know... You should have only sent her to Manchester and then tell us about all this

Dadu: I am just telling you all so that all of you sent her with good wishings

Then Dadu got up and went from there

When all this discussion was going on at dining table ... Nandini was in dadu's room and she have hide her passport and Visa too so that her family will not be able to stop her by burning her passport and Visa

So finally the day came when she have to left for Manchester

She hugged Dadu tightly... All other family members hugged her too... Dadu instructed her that "Nandu there is no doubt that I am letting you do whatever you want to... But remember one thing I still have the right to take a desicion... So never make me think that I have taken the bad desicion to sent you to Manchester" Nandu just nooded her head

Then she boarded her flight

A long chapter of 691 words

So how will Manchester welcome her???

Will in Manchester her miseries will be over or Manchester will bring more miseries in her life???

To know all this wait from my next parts

Thank you

MANAN (Anurag + Mannat) FF:YAARAMKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat