OG Avengers

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Everybody started at the screen.

Loki flung a knife in the wall. "Can't this start? I was busy earning recognition."(A/N: Remember? During Ragnarok?)

Everyone turned to look at Loki and scowled. Odin shot Loki a venomous look that made Loki shut his mouth immediately.

"Oh good," Tony said sarcastically," Loki and Cap. Could this get any worse?"

The lights dimmed and everyone was drawn to the screen.

The first person plays Tony Stark

Tony looks excitedly at the screen, and Steve rolls his eyes.

Robert John Downey Jr, born April 4, 1965. He is 55 years old. His net worth is an estimated  $300 million dollars and has a wife of  15 years, Susan Downey, and  3 kids, Indio Falconer Downey, Avri Roel Downey, and Exton Elias Downey.

"Wow, your so old!" Exclaimed Rhodey.

"It's only 7 years!"

"Exactly!" Peter piped up.

"BOOMER!" Peter and Shuri yelled at the same time. They looked at each other in surprise and laughed.

Steve and Thor looked confused. "What is this boomer these young mortals talk about?" Asked Thor.

Peter, Shuri, Clint, and the rest of Peter's class laughed at his reaction.

"Is nobody going to point out he has 3 kids?" Nat pointed out.

"Is nobody going to point out he has 3 kids?" Nat pointed out

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"Wow, Tony! Lookin' fresh!" Rhodey piped up.

"He looks exactly like you!" Pepper laughed.

"Ugly. Now when will we get to me?" Loki asked. (A/N: I see your comments, so I'm sorry if you don't like this part! I included this just to set up the Loki chapter)

"Excuse me, Director, why did you have to bring Loki here?" Asked Fury.

Because Loki is amazing. Anyways, RDJ as he is called was a two-time Academy Award nominee and is also the winner of 3 Golden Globes awards. He won a BAFTA Award for best actor and was nominated for two Oscars(And sadly never won one!!)

" He really is popular," Sam said. 

"I bet I've won more awards than Tony," said Steve smugly.

Tony whipped around and scowled. 

"Says the one who literally broke apart The Avengers," Tony retorted.

They stood up, faced each other, and scowled.

"Stop it, Migardian friends! And what is this about breaking up?" Thor boomed.


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